Sea of Stars Review
Sabotage, known for reviving retro-style games and modernising them, has a history of improving original titles. With Sea of Stars, they pay homage to retro turn-based RPGs like CHRONO TRIGGER and enhance that formula. They are also the studio behind the action platformer The Messenger from a few years ago, which is set in the same universe as Sea of Stars, taking place thousands of years later. Don't worry, playing The Messenger isn't necessary to enjoy this RPG, but recognising the references adds an extra layer. However, I do recommend checking it out, especially if you're a fan of side-scrolling platformers!
The journey begins with a choice: playing as one of two children of the solstice, Zale, a male character infused with the power of the sun, or Valere, a female character harnessing the magic of the moon. We meet The Archivist, a hooded character who is immortal and well-versed in alchemy. This mysterious figure has been cataloguing events across various timelines and has returned to reflect upon what they've witnessed. Among many stories, there's one they want to revisit, hoping the Mists of Time might allow a slight change, a ray of hope to bloom. This alteration could provide insights into the quest to defeat the evil Fleshmancer, who is still plaguing the world.
We embark on the journey when Zale and Valere are children just old enough to join the Zenith Academy. This academy is where they'll be trained to access their innate magical ability, learning to "use magic without using magic." Erlina and Brugaves, two bitter former Solstice Warriors, warn them about their choice, suggesting they'll come to regret attending. These characters exude an aura that hints things might not be as they seem in this world. The storyline of Sea of Stars, while incorporating themes of friendship and adventure typical of RPGs, also features unexpected twists and intense events that make the journey captivating till the end.
As the kids explore the Mountain Trail with their loyal friend Garl, they face off against various enemies. You quickly learn that fighting in Sea of Stars relies on timing, similar to Super Mario RPG. If you press the button just before striking an enemy, you'll deal extra damage if your timing is right. This timing technique also applies to defence — if timed well, you can block more damage. For someone like me who's always mashed buttons hoping for stronger attacks or better defence, this system is a welcome improvement. It's satisfying to see my years of practice finally paying off!
The battle system also features dual-character combo attacks, enabling heroes to collaborate for added damage or team-wide healing. The combo meter — resembling a diamond — fills as you execute well-timed attacks or blocks. The other addition is the icons for the type of attack the enemy is currently vulnerable to, which are displayed over their head. As the battle goes on, this can change, so don't assume that the move you used at the beginning of the battle is still the most effective. One of Sea of Stars' notable enhancements is the absence of random encounters; battles occur precisely where you stand, without transporting you to a new battlefield as seen in other RPGs, it makes you feel like you are part of this world.
Apart from that, Sea of Stars ensures your characters level up naturally as you progress, eliminating the need for excessive level grinding to overcome overpowering foes. These adjustments address many of the issues I've had with turn-based RPGs in the past, resulting in a more enjoyable and less frustrating experience.
Sea of Stars introduces a clever approach to obtaining new gear. When you purchase a new weapon or armour, you can equip it immediately, with the game prompting you to sell the replaced equipment. This streamlines the process, eliminating the need for navigating a separate menu to equip new gear and preventing unused items from cluttering your inventory. Additionally, you gain instant money to spend!
Returning to the story, Garl has been hurt while in the cave during an encounter with a monster, resulting in him losing an eye, so more than hurt I suppose! Headmaster Moraine intervenes to rescue the trio, informing them that Garl, born in Mooncradle as a regular lad, need not concern himself with Solstice Warrior affairs. Zale and Valere are told their training as Solstice Warriors will span years. As a result, they must bid farewell to their friend before departing for Zenith Academy — a place of study, training, and even sewing, as the enchanted fabric won't weave itself! This fabric will become their prized possession, as it offers light in darkness and protection against The Fleshmancer.
The controls in Sea of Stars are intuitive and well-designed, merging traditional RPG action with platforming elements. While exploring, you can jump across platforms, climb structures, swim, cook, and fish. Integrating platforming is a nice change from the usual grid-based movement system. Puzzles also come into play, requiring you to move crystals to pedestals unlock doors or platforms. While these puzzles engage your intellect, they are not overwhelmingly difficult.
All the enemies you face are visible and walking around, allowing you to opt for combat or, if you don’t want to get into fisticuffs, evasion. My personal drive to level up characters and acquire new attacks motivated me to initiate battles, not to mention the extra gold that comes in handy when you encounter merchants or visit village stores. The game includes numerous chests containing weapons and armour that you can equip, saving you some gold. Furthermore, you'll discover Relics, which alter gameplay mechanics. The blue Relics make the game less challenging, restoring your characters' health to maximum after each battle, while others create a visual indicator to perfect your timing, whereas red Relics will increase the challenge. You can toggle these Relics on or off during your playthrough, so if you want it easier to get through a difficult area, turn it on, and then right after, you can take it off.
Progress is saved through magical books scattered across the world, often near campfires that allow you to rest, hear stories, and cook tasty meals to replenish your HP and MP. Gathering ingredients during your exploration allows you to create these dishes. It is easy to spot what items can be gathered as they sparkle, and you will also acquire some from enemies you have defeated. There’s nothing like making your own home-cooked meal!
I don’t want to spoil anything else story-wise about the game, but I do have to mention the beautiful pixel graphics, sublime lighting, and characters. The world of Sea of Stars is beautiful and has a real sense of depth that makes things in the background feel further away or incredibly high that makes you scared about falling, especially when you are walking on a rope over a large crevice. The characters all have a great look and attack style that makes them feel unique and full of personality, so they don’t all feel like clones of the same base person.
I can’t talk about the gorgeous visuals without talking about the amazing music. Yasunori Mitsuda, a composer who has worked on dozens of games but best known for his work on CHRONO TRIGGER, is responsible for the soundtrack in Sea of Stars. CHRONO TRIGGER is one of my favourite games of all time, so I was beyond excited to see this! Right from the opening, you know this is going to be great, especially hearing the battle music that plays while you are fighting. This is one impressive soundtrack, and it fits the look and feel of the game well.
Sea of Stars has been one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had playing an RPG in a long time. I haven’t been this immersed in a story since I played role-playing titles as a teen. The best part is that it feels nostalgic, but all the things that I found annoying back then don’t exist here or have been tweaked. Not having to grind or face puzzles that are insanely frustrating to figure out was nice. And honestly, no one likes random encounters, so I'm not upset that they are gone.
Sabotage has done an amazing job capturing all the great parts of retro RPGs and making a few tweaks to make the genre even better. I can’t recommend this game enough, this is a true tribute to the great role-playing games of the past with updated mechanics and an addictive and compelling story. This is a must-play title and my game of the year!
Sea of Stars (Reviewed on Windows)
Outstanding. Why do you not have this game already?
Sea of Stars is an amazing-looking and sounding title that has captured all you love from classic turn-based RPGs and improved upon it. I can’t recommend this game enough; this is how you modernise and pay tribute to a classic genre!