Prodeus Review
If you are a fan of the original DOOM that was released by idSoftware for MS-DOS in 1993, I have a game for you. Prodeus, created by the Bounding Box Software team, takes everything you loved about that original title and cranks up the amount of blood and brutality. You play as a corrupted agent of Prodeus, the sinister master and creator of your world. Your only goal is to take out Prodeus and any creature that tries to stand in your way.
This game started as a Kickstarter project in April 2019; it was advertised as "the first-person shooter of old, re-imagined using modern rendering techniques." Prodeus definitely delivers on these claims — each of the levels that you will explore in the game is full of narrow corridors and an insane amount of monsters to brutally destroy. The main game is single-player, but it also offers multiplayer for up to 16 players at once.
The levels use modern techniques like particle effects and dynamic lighting to bring this game to life. Players will have the option to play the game with modern visuals, but honestly, where's the fun in that? I instead recommend applying the shaders that will give Prodeus the classic, pixelated-retro feel of older FPS games like DOOM, Quake, or Wolfenstein. The music in Prodeus is fabulous; it is upbeat heavy metal music that fits the environment perfectly. The music gets even more intense if a cluster of monsters comes at you. I will never get tired of hearing the sounds of the shotgun blasting, or when you are shooting off two miniguns at once. There's something incredibly satisfying when you listen to it. The sounds of the environment around you, like the steam hissing when you open a door or the sound of blood splattering; make these stages come to life. They are also handy for identifying when there is a monster sneaking up behind you so you can blow them away before they get too close. Players can change the difficulty at any time if it is too challenging; Prodeus offers a vast range of difficulty options to select from. Very Easy to Normal, and Very Difficult; no matter your skill level, there is a setting here for you!
There is a huge variety of weapons available to use in Prodeus, even guns that seem like they would be weak will do a lot of damage to the enemy. You won't ever feel like you are stuck with a horrible weapon. My favourite is the reliable shotgun — what can I say? I'm old school. But there is a selection of miniguns, rocket launchers, pistols, and grenade launchers available that you will find placed around the stage. Prodeus has categories of bullets that are good for several different types of guns. Hence, rocket ammunition works for the rocket launcher and the grenade launcher. The game even has a plasma gun that reminds me of the original DOOM. To top it off, most guns have an alternate firing mode that adds a fun layer of variety to your loadout; with a weapon selection like this, you will never get bored!
While playing, you will explore complex, maze-like levels that will require you to find keys to open up each section. Once you find the colour-coded key for that area, new paths and secrets will be available for you to explore. In some areas, you will find ammunition, health, shields, and other equipment to aid you on your mission. If you ever get stuck, there is a map you can pull up to see where different items are located and the variety of corridors and routes you can venture through. While exploring, I found it easy to see if I had previously been in an area by looking to see if there was blood all over the floor; it was a dead giveaway.
I found that the game's campaign wasn't too short; it kept me busy for a long time! But if you find it on the shorter side, the game developers have included a level editor to change and create your own levels to play. There are multiple maps other players have made so they are sure to keep you entertained and coming back for more, especially since new maps will become available. There are also a variety of online modes available to play, like deathmatch, capture the flag, and team deathmatch; or you can also complete the game's campaign mode with four people working together!
Prodeus does an excellent job of combining the style of old FPS titles with a modern effect. The bright red blood glistens with the beautiful lighting effects, and the creatures coming after you look incredibly creepy. I enjoyed using the pixel filter, and I love that it felt like I was playing enhanced versions of the games I grew up with. There isn't much of a story here, so that won't compel you to finish the game; it's the fast-paced action that will keep you coming back for more. The game can feel repetitive if you play for long periods, so I would play a few levels and then go off and do something else to prevent this. If you are a fan of the classic FPS games of the '90s, do yourself a favour and check Prodeus out. The game is also available on Game Pass if you want to try it yourself.
Prodeus (Reviewed on Windows)
This game is great, with minimal or no negatives.
Prodeus is the reincarnation of classic FPS games from the '90s. There isn't much of a story here, but let's be honest, if you are playing this game, it's for the blood and mayhem!