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Moe Waifu H - BlockBlast Review

Moe Waifu H - BlockBlast Review

When I saw that Moe Waifu H - BlockBlast was a Breakout clone, I immediately had nostalgia for an old Amiga game and decided that I was going to review this PlayStation exclusive. Okay, so it’s also on Switch, but only in Asia so I’m ignoring that.

The main selling point is the anime ladies, hence the title not being simply “BlockBlast”. There are five of them, each with three outfits, and they appear at the start and end of each level. That’s it. If you want this game because you hope to be undressing these women, then you’re out of luck as they have clothes, swimsuits, and lingerie, and you see them 30 times because there are 15 levels. Unless you have to keep restarting, then you’ll see them more.

There is no story of any kind, no excuse as to why these ladies will change their outfits, no epic quest that requires blocks to be busted… Just do the levels and then you’re done, not even a leaderboard. You can try and beat your own scores, of course, but I managed to get the Platinum Trophy in about an hour. You get one Trophy for completing each level, then the Platinum for finishing them all.

The gameplay is fine, though unlike other games in the genre the ball has weight to it. If it’s travelling across the screen unimpeded, it will start to drop slowly, rather than just go in a straight line until it hits something. There are a few power-ups, such as growing or shrinking your bat, or firing lasers, and the types of bricks are breakable or unbreakable. Although two of the power-ups will break those ones too.

My main issue with Moe Waifu H - BlockBlast was how the speed of the ball seemed random. It changes colour as it strikes things, but that didn’t appear to alter the speed, it just decided to go at a different velocity now and then after a collision. It’s quite frustrating to try and anticipate where the ball will go when the bumper moves at a set speed, and that isn’t quite fast enough in my opinion.

The graphics are fine, but there’s not much to it. The music is similarly fine, with five different tunes, one for each character’s levels. You can look at the women and listen to the music from the menu, but that’s nothing too special. It’s got a budget price tag and an easy Platinum, so if that’s your thing, have at it. If not, then it’s entirely forgettable. Literally. I finished the game four days ago and kept forgetting that I had to write this review.

4.50/10 4½

Moe Waifu H - BlockBlast (Reviewed on PlayStation 5)

Minor enjoyable interactions, but on the whole is underwhelming.

It’s a brick breaker with literally 15 pictures of women and an easy Platinum Trophy.

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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