Forts Review
Forts is advertised as a “physics based RTS”, what this means is it’s a side-on 2D game, with one team on the left of the screen, one team on the right (here I am, stuck in the middle with you) and your objective is to destroy the other team, like in Worms. However, Forts doesn’t just have you trying to kill single enemies, in this game you have to destroy, wait for it …Forts!
In each level of Forts your goal is to create a kick ass base that’ll defend the generator to your fort while having the firepower to destroy the enemy’s base, usually by blowing up their power generator.
You get a variety of upgrades for your base that allows you to improve the weapons and soldiers your base can construct, each having their niche purpose to help you take down your enemies. On the surface it’s pretty simple, but if you want to master Forts you’ll have to take some time and really listen to the hints and tips given to you throughout its campaign.
Its campaign mode is set in a post-apocalyptic world where everyone has their own private army and are fighting over the world's greatest treasure: oil. Yes, insert your early 2000’s George W. Bush jokes here. Each level will have it’s own set of objectives for you to complete, along with the overall goal of destroying the enemy. Meeting all your objectives will give you the full three star rating, and allow you to unlock more parts of the map easier.
Along with its campaign mode, Forts also has online multiplayer. Here up to 8 players can compete in co-op or deathmatch. Forts also has a skirmish mode but the aim’s the same: build a fort, destroy enemy before enemy destroys you. There’s nothing different to the modes, but it does increase the game's life cycle, as the 28 missions from the campaign won’t take you too long to complete.
Forts is a simple, fun game, has a nice sense of humour and is guaranteed to get your brain whirling as you figure out the best way to build your base, defend your weapons while also pelting the enemy with bullets and bombs. Unfortunately you’ll probably complete it with minimal fuss, but the developers do claim Forts has been made with modding in mind. Whether this will lead to the community making this game bigger and better will have to be seen.
Forts (Reviewed on Windows)
This game is good, with a few negatives.
Short but fun. Worms with forts. Enough said!
Bogohn Z - 01:34am, 5th August 2023
You're reviewing leaves much to be desired.