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Final Fantasy X Review

After having 9 very successful predecessors, Final Fantasy X had to be something truly special. It had been 4 years since the release of Final Fantasy IX and fans such as me were going crazy for more!
I couldn't wait to see how the series had translated onto its new home, the PS2 and what SquareSoft had done with the game.

I eagerly purchased my copy and was not disappointed with the results.


The plot follows a young man called Tidus, who during the destruction of his homeland by an unknown nemesis he finds himself meeting a stranger who seems to know more about him than he is comfortable with. This odd man claims that these events are due to shape his future, and he needs to complete his story. With only these cryptic words to go by he is transported into a completely alien world whilst his is falling down around him.

The storyline to this game is a deep tale of love, betrayal, and the fighting of a battle that has never been truly won before.
Constantly through this game I was moved by the events, I experienced all kinds of emotions. The story constantly leaves you wanting to know more and more. There are plenty of twists and turns to ensure that the game is never predictable and always an enjoyable experience.

The lead, Tidus when the game starts out has a manner similar to a cocky Jock. But as the game goes on you see his character develop and his personality mature.
Yuna is a 17 year old girl from the little village of Besaid. She has led a quiet life surrounded by people who are constantly minding her. She is very important to the people of Spira.
Travelling with Yuna and Tidus there are 3 of Yuna's close friends, these people have taken an oath to protect her from harm, they are her guardians. Wakka is a bubbly guy who has a deep faith in the world's religion and lives his life to the teachings of Yevon, Lulu she's a very wise woman who seems to be very close to Yuna. She is a very complex character with more to her than meets the eye. And you have Kimahri Ronso, he is Yuna's oldest friend who has protected her since she was a child. Kimahri is strong both physically and mentally.
During their journey they meet a few more friends who later join them in becoming guardians, namely Rikku, a chirpy Al Bhed girl ( A race of people who Spira arn't particularly fond of...) with an unrivalled knowledge of machines, and Auron, a mysterious chap who has strong ties with both Tidus and Yuna's stories.
The evil genius of this story is Seymour Guado. He is an intriguing character. Unlike most villains, he isn't doing things for the wrong reasons as such, he truly believes that he is helping the world by his actions. As the game goes on you can see Seymour slipping further and further into his delusional vision.

AuronGrouptidus and luluyunagroup 2


A brand new feature to this game is voiceovers for all the major characters. In my opinion, this adds a new type of depth to the game that previous Final Fantasy instalments were lacking. It's nice to be able to hear your character talk, you can hear the emotions in their voice. Countless times I have read what a character is saying and thought something along the lines of, are they being sincere or is that a sarcastic remark? That is something that only a voice can bring clarity to. And I think it works remarkably well at adding to the story's depth and credibility.

The world of Spira itself is a beautiful place, full of lush greenery, blue seas and clear skies, with most of the villages looking like tropical paradises, huts built out of natural materials like wooden shacks and mud huts standing against an amazing backdrop of mountains and beaches. Where as the bigger cities like Luca for example are just as beautiful but with a more modern feel. Big buildings greet you around every corner and there always something to see and do.
The designers at SquareSoft have appeared to have gone for an Indian theme with the cities and villages'. All seem to be big and grand with warm colours and patterns, and a lot of the NPC's are wearing Sari type clothes. The temples are in a class of their own, they have an amazing sense of grandeur to them. Highly decorative, you can see these places miles off in the landscape in some places.
All in all the graphics on this game are fantastic, they may look a bit dated now but they are possibly the PS2's best graphics.
Walking around everything is so beautiful and even battles are pretty!


Which brings me on to the battle system, SquareSoft have decided to scrap their traditional ATB (Active time battle) system which was favoured in previous instalments and have instead implemented a new system called CTB (Conditional Turn based Battle). With this you can pick what action you want to use in your own time without being killed during deciding. It gives a lot more time to plan your strategies which is definitely useful. On the top left of your screen there is also a visual representation of who's turn it will be next to attack, everything that you do will affect this, making you think twice about your decisions. For example if you decide to swap out a character with low hp for another character, that will mess with the order of attack, sometimes this can work in your favour, other times....not.
There are more changes, Such as the ‘limit breaks' of old (where your character unleashed their special attack, think Clouds Omnislash) these are now known as ‘overdrives'. Each character has their own overdrive which can be upgraded via certain equipment or during the story. A good feature of these overdrives is that you, the player has to fulfil a condition to power up the move, for example Tidus's overdrive, For you to improve the damage that he does you have a bar with a smaller bar in the middle, you have to stop a moving dot onto the smaller bar to majorly increase the damage dealt.
Another change to the system is Aeons, Powerful beasts that can be summoned to fight alongside you in the heat of battle. In previous games these were know as GF's (Guardian Forces) which anybody could summon if they had the right item. They then proceeded to burst onto your screen in a pretty video, do their damage and go again. In Final Fantasy X only Yuna is able to summon these beasts to fight along side her. Unlike the GF's, when an Aeon is summoned it stays by Yuna's side replacing the rest of the party and fights like a normal character would. For the first time ever you have complete control over series favourites such as Shiva, Ifrit and Bahamut, you tell them to attack, heal and they even have their own overdrives!
I personally really liked this addition to the game as it gave you control over some very powerful beasts, and I found it fun to perfect their skills and learn when was best to use them and when not to. You are also able to teach your aeon's new and useful abilities in the same way you would teach your regular characters.
Besides these changes the basics of battle still remain the same, there are still elemental weaknesses, e.g.: Fire is susceptible to water but water can be destroyed by lightning. If you can get a firm grasp on the basic principles of elements then you will become deadly.

Shiva, one of many summon aeons

Another massive change in the games workings is how the characters level up. Goodbye Xp = level up easiness, and hello to the sphere grid.
The sphere grid is a complex system that opens up an amazing amount of character development. With this you can give your character the abilities YOU want them to have, if you want a Lulu replica with her black magic, then that's great, that's what you can do. You can even make a defensive character that you can use as a ‘tank' to take the big hits whilst you're other characters give the boss a kicking. The open endedness is phenomenal.
The sphere grid is almost like a map, each character has their own space in the grid in which they are surrounded by nodes, each node is a specific ability or a status attribute. The idea is, instead of levelling, you get sphere points, these points allow you to move around the grid, and the spoils of battle often include spheres. Once you have gained enough sphere points to move, you move to a space that holds an ability that you want, you then place a sphere there and hey presto, you have learnt that ability. Although this is a complex system, I enjoyed the fact that I could make my character whatever I wanted them to be and I could gain abilities that they were never meant to have. I believe this system adds a huge amount to the game play.

The one downside to this game that I can find is that there aren't enough activities outside of the main story to partake in. Sure there's Blitzball and Chocobo racing but to be honest, I found that tiresome and gave up on it after a little while. The finding of the ultimate weapons and hidden aeons was good fun though.


Final Fantasy X (Reviewed on PlayStation 2)

Excellent. Look out for this one.

After having 9 very successful predecessors, Final Fantasy X had to be something truly special. It had been 4 years since the release of Final Fantasy IX and fans such as me were going crazy for more!I couldn't wait to see how the series had translated onto its new home, the PS2 and what SquareSoft had done with the game.

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Sarah Nicole Collings

Sarah Nicole Collings


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Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Ok first review ever, i chose final fantasy x as a warm up as it is a game im familiar with, i hope you enjoy.

TGK - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Great review, but make sure you post in the reviewers section before hand. It gives everyone a chance to look over the review, check for mistakes, and input into what else could be added. Good show :)

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

lol i did :P you missed it!

TGK - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Ah, indeed I did. Fail is me :)

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

woohoo! for once i dont fail!! Muhahaha! Anyways, thankyou for the compliments on the review :)

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

this was my first foray into the FF universe (I was blown away by the FFX-2 trailers I wanted to sample the first part of the story. I loved this game and never did I think I would spend 200hrs + on it. The characters were intruiging, the action brilliant, the turn based mode (something I had never experienced) was the cream on the top for me. I did go back to play FFVII, but after being spoilt by the voice acting, the whole game seemed lacking in depth (I'm gonna get hounded for that comment but). For anyone who has never played FF, I would heartily recommend starting with this one.

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I loved this game and never did I think I would spend 200hrs + on it.

If that's all on one single game... bloody hell. My longest is ~150hrs. If it's spilt over several... you need to play all the sidequests :)

For anyone who has never played FF, I would heartily recommend starting with this one.

I disagree, if others were to have the same experience as you and go back to an older one (7 or 8, say) they may well find it harder to get into. I played from 8 onwards, in order, and loved every single one (bar 11, which is a MMORPG and I've not played it). After 12, I tried out 7 and had the same problem as you, I couldn't get into the story at all. I would recommend playing the earlier games first, for the whole FF experience, moving on to PS2 versions for better gameplay. And, with the release of 13, PS2/Xbox360 :) All of the newer reviewers are getting their first jobs up, except me :( I'll have to get my backside in gear and try and sort something :D (I have one written, will need to run it through the system first though...)

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

no that 200+ hours was 100% completion. all sidequests, even the uber uber uber hard hidden boss, whose name eludes me at the moment (quick google) Penance - thats the bugger...took me about 30 attempts to nail him.Yojimbo ftw :D

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I called Yojimbo Ass, cos I was peeved off that it took so much money to buy him and i thought he was going to be rubbish. Then he done Zanmanto to Dark Valefor and I kinda wanted to change his name back to something more respectable, but it doesn't let you. :(

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

HAHAHA! Epic fail DA, yojimbo is awesome! Ive not played the international version so ive never had a chance to kick penance ass :( Feel like im missing out :(

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

kick is hardly the word used. after losing 30 fights in a row, having to suffer the cutscene over and over.. finally wasting the b4stard, (even if it is a cheap zanmoto (true FF thespians are crying into their Cloudsicles cereal right now)), i dont even think a good dump will touch on how excellent it feels.

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

(true FF thespians are crying into their Cloudsicles cereal right now)

Lolz! But tis true, once you beat Penance, you know you're made of epic. I think it took me about 8 tried or something, I done it without Yojimbo. :D Saying that, there's vids on YouTube of people beating him using only Rikku, or only Tidus and such. Bloody mad!

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Lolz! But tis true, once you beat Penance, you know you're made of epic. I think it took me about 8 tried or something, I done it without Yojimbo. :D Saying that, there's vids on YouTube of people beating him using only Rikku, or only Tidus and such. Bloody mad!

yeah, Im into process improvements etc...so if i can find a way to do something quicker and more efficiently it gets done. Im not a "pure" player...and yojimbo w/zanmoto was my ticket to ffx perfection.

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I had to use Ass to beat a few of the dark Aeons, but I was still low level-ish compared to when I fought Penance. I think the only reason I levelled up so much for Penance in the first place was fighting all the damn fiends to capture them in the first place!

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I've got a brilliant team (Rikku Tidus and Auron are main, because they're the only ones with Break HP Limit - 30k, 35k and 45k or so I believe. 2 also have Ribbon), only things I can't do without Yojimbo is the dark Aeons. Fight after fight after fight at the Arena just to get 2 HP spheres, or 2 def spheres or whatever is the main annoyance now. As is having to re-trek through the whole sphere grid deleting all of the ****e, and putting the better ones in. I've already used all of the empty ones. Every character's strength, defence and magic is 255, still got a ways to go yet.

Ive not played the international version so ive never had a chance to kick penance ass :( Feel like im missing out :(

Hang on... what? Surely you've got the PAL version, or whatever it is?

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I've got a brilliant team (Rikku Tidus and Auron are main, because they're the only ones with Break HP Limit - 30k, 35k and 45k or so I believe. 2 also have Ribbon), only things I can't do without Yojimbo is the dark Aeons. Fight after fight after fight at the Arena just to get 2 HP spheres, or 2 def spheres or whatever is the main annoyance now. As is having to re-trek through the whole sphere grid deleting all of the ****e, and putting the better ones in. I've already used all of the empty ones. Every character's strength, defence and magic is 255, still got a ways to go yet. Hang on... what? Surely you've got the PAL version, or whatever it is?

I cant remember my details accurately, but i had all the legendary weapons (providing break limit for all).. I was able to beat the dark aeons without yojimbo, just took some effort. it's been such a long time ( nearly 5 years) since I played the game. I do miss it though, but Im not sure theres enough there to make me want to play it through again.

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I cant remember my details accurately, but i had all the legendary weapons (providing break limit for all).. I was able to beat the dark aeons without yojimbo, just took some effort. it's been such a long time ( nearly 5 years) since I played the game. I do miss it though, but Im not sure theres enough there to make me want to play it through again.

What the... it's been out 5 years? Already? Bloody hell :eek: I'll probably have to dig out my PS2 and have another crack at it, I have 2 save games on different sphere grids, both at similar stages and times (I have spent an epically long time on this game). None of them have 100% sidequests done though.

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I have to be honest, I did use a walkthrough for item locations and sidequest locations, because I dread to think how long it would take to find all that information normally (if at all). and as for release dates, looks like it was released in the EU on 24th May 2002. Which makes it nearly 7 years old.

FatTonyBBX - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I cracked this one out of the box just the other day for the first time in a good couple of years... had forgotten how boring the first like 2 hours are! Awesome game though.

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I had a real nostalgia moment last night - midnight snack at 5am (5am snack, then) of a bowl of cereal. Reminded me of all the times I'd play epic sessions of blitzball through the night, with cereal to keep me occupied in between :)

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

aye, blitzball... to win that to get Wakka's legendary ball. also those god damn lightning towers, with the key press sequences. and the whole dodging 100+ lightning strikes to get additional bits

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

aye, blitzball... to win that to get Wakka's legendary ball.

Wakka is indispensable. 255 Str + World Champion (the ball) + Attack reels = 120k damage in one go. Transfer Overdrive gauge, also Haste Wakka, and you can obliterate most enemies within the 7 potential overdrives. If that fails, get Anima out too :D

also those god damn lightning towers, with the key press sequences. and the whole dodging 100+ lightning strikes to get additional bits

Some of the sidequests are so irritating. The lightning dodger is easily up there amongst the most annoying. The button combos on the lightning towers is X-2 btw.

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

ah ok, what with the places being the same and even chars, i find myself mixing the two up. however didnt you have to repair the lightening rods in FFX?

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

You didn't have to repair them, just use them as cover from the bolts if you weren't trying for Lulu's weapon. I hated that part! F*ckin ages it took me!!

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

The button combos were to repair them :) 3 different methods, one for each character - 3 symbols would drop, one would flash halfway (Paine I think) 1 symbol would appear, you have to press it quickly (Rikku?) A sequence would show and you had to memorize it and then input it (Yuna) And then the last one was Yuna, but backwards, and there was the boss fight too, of course.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

I've got a brilliant team (Rikku Tidus and Auron are main, because they're the only ones with Break HP Limit - 30k, 35k and 45k or so I believe. 2 also have Ribbon), only things I can't do without Yojimbo is the dark Aeons. Fight after fight after fight at the Arena just to get 2 HP spheres, or 2 def spheres or whatever is the main annoyance now. As is having to re-trek through the whole sphere grid deleting all of the ****e, and putting the better ones in. I've already used all of the empty ones. Every character's strength, defence and magic is 255, still got a ways to go yet. Hang on... what? Surely you've got the PAL version, or whatever it is?

im sre that penance is only on the internatonal version, you know the special edition ones. Ive never ever seen it in my copy?

Beanz - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

im sre that penance is only on the internatonal version

International as in 'not Japan' ;)

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

[url]http://www.rpgfan.com/reviews/finalfantasy10-intl/index.html[/url] This one

Beanz - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

[url]http://www.rpgfan.com/reviews/finalfantasy10-intl/index.html[/url] This one

Its main purpose is to offer Japanese players a chance to enjoy supplements added to the game for the North American and European releases, namely the English vocal track.

See also - [url]http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_X#Final_Fantasy_X:_International[/url]

The International Version was released on January 31st 2003 in Japan and later in Europe (the European release was simply titled "Final Fantasy X"). This updated version of the game had different box art for Japan and new features such as an Expert Sphere Grid, which allowed for accessing abilities easier, but less over-all stat-growth; new abilities added to both Standard and Expert Grids; the inclusion of the Dark Aeons and Penance, all powerful superbosses; as well as many minor changes to dialogue, scenes, the Celestial Weapons' key items (Japan Only), characters and armor & weapon customizations such as Ribbon. The release also included a bonus disc with behind the scenes making-of features of Final Fantasy X, and a special movie prologue to Final Fantasy X-2. The European release had the additions of the Dark Aeons and Penance, as well as the new equipment abilities but didn't change the name of the Celestial Sigils and Crests. The game had noticeable black borders and slower running speed. The black label version also included a bonus DVD with the title "Beyond Final Fantasy" which included various interviews with the game developers as well as two of the English voice actors. Additionally, it included trailers of various Square games, an art gallery, short biographies on Nobuo Uematsu and Rikki, as well as a music video of Rikki performing the song "Suteki Da Ne?".

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

What the hell?! Why did i not know that?! Thanks Beanz Tommorrows gonna be an epic FFX sesh i think, got a save right before the last battle so am gonna go and find it!

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Get Ass (Yojimbo) ready for all them Dark Magus Sisters. :D

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Get Ass (Yojimbo) ready for all them Dark Magus Sisters. :D

I think I have about 3 Dark Aeons down on my game... been concentrating heavily on stat grinding. And sphere levels, of course... 3 of them have 99 moves, 1 has 74 or something similar, and the other 3 have none :s But the Dark Sisters fight will be a real kick in the balls, I know that. Found them on accident once, got mullered within about 15 seconds :/

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I finally beat them with a party of Yuna, Tidus and Auron. When I finally got to Penance, I had to go back and stat grind to get those three guys' luck maxed, otherwise I would have had no chance (like my first few attempts :p).

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Im sorry but i still lol at "ass" :P

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

It was a bad decision, down to his damn bribery! If he hadn't taken a load of gill off me, he would have kept his original name like the rest of my Aeons. With the exception on Ifrit, who I always call Flamey for some reason...

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Aww flamey! Thats so cute! but yeah, Ass...awesome! I can see why you named him that tho, he is bloody expensive but hes very very good. Is there no way to chnge the nme? Im sure shelinda gives you an item to rename your aeons later in the game?

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Yeah, she does, but I didn't find that out 'till after my PS2 died on me. I think it's called the Aeon's Soul or something? On of the many reasons I preffered FF7 on PC over PS1, I could rename people and Summons with the Jenova editor. :p

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

the what now? never heard of that before? Ohhh yeah i forgets your PS2 is knackered :(

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Hmm, appears I was wrong. The Aeon's Soul is what Belgamine gives you, it lets you edit your Aeons' stats, level them up basically (which I knew about). Turns out to rename an Aeon, you need a Rename Card - which I've never came across I don't think. [url]http://drslice.com/games/ffx/item/80/[/url]

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Im sure shelinda gives you aforementioned rename card?

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I thought some kind of Behemoth holds them... no idea why I thought that or if it's even the right game (slight nag it may be 8). I always used my Gil bribing Great Malboros for loads of Wings To Discovery, very useful for augmenting triple AP/triple overdrive (can't remember which) onto weapons - in turn, brilliant for sphere levels. Triple AP + Triple Overdrive + Overdrive -> AP + Overdrive mode: stoic + tonberry creation at arena = 99 sphere levels in one fight :D

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I always run away from Great Malboros unless I have Ribbons all round. :D

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Meh bloody pansys, just get in there and knock them the **** out!

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Auron's Celestial weapon has first strike, make sure he is ALWAYS in the party :D If you go for the kill, get Delay Buster, if not bribe it with a ton of Gil :)

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

i love how my review has sparked 3 pages of ffx reminiscance!

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Easily done :D It IS an epic game, after all.

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Indeed. Still need to get it 100%ed, pretty sure even after the 300+ hours I out into it, there's stuff I've missed. :p

Beanz - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

i love how my review has sparked 3 pages of ffx reminiscance!

Swines! :( Can see I'm not going to get much done any time soon...

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Ohhh can I ask what settings/Plug-Ins you use? I always get a blue haze when I play it on PC. :( And it's the only way I can play it atm.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Muhhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I wants pc ffx! (why i dunno, i hve a working ps2) but i wants anyways!

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Muhhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I wants pc ffx! (why i dunno, i hve a working ps2) but i wants anyways!

Emu. :p

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

lol duh :P you have fun with your blue haze, ill enjoy sitting and playing on my ps2, in fact i may even swap to my other ps2 and play for a while muhahaha! :P

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015


Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

too mean? sowwy :(

Colio-1428100791 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

rep denied angle for starting another epic ffx thread. I want to, but cant bring myself to replay ffx after so long apart.....I just know my life will be effectively over for about 6 months.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

rep denied angle for starting another epic ffx thread. I want to, but cant bring myself to replay ffx after so long apart.....I just know my life will be effectively over for about 6 months.


JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I predict that within 5 posts, angel will say Muhahahaha! again. Odds of even money :p

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Muhahhaahhahhaha! you loose i said it next post!!

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Muhahhaahhahhaha! you loose i said it next post!!

Why does that make him loose? :u03

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

DOH! lose even... :(

JK Ferret
JK Ferret - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

And anyway, I said WITHIN 5 posts, that means any between your next and the one 5 after I posted. So I win :D

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Meh im getting used to failing now nyways!

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Shameless bemp of awesome thread, just because I've started playing it again.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Ahhh you found your disk, good stuff!! I need to get another playthrough of this going I think! How far in are you?

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I forgot how slow going it was to begin with, so I'm only just on the boat to Luca, and have called it a night. Gonna give a good portion of tomorrow to it though, hoping to get at least to the Thunder Planes or thereabouts. :D

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Yeah it is slow to start with. Seems to take forever to get on that boat! Oh god I need to play this again.

nikole95.7-1428100794 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

yeah, Im into process improvements etc...so if i can find a way to do something quicker and more efficiently it gets done. Im not a "pure" player...and yojimbo w/zanmoto was my ticket to ffx perfection.

I had to use Ass to beat a few of the dark Aeons, but I was still low level-ish compared to when I fought Penance. I think the only reason I levelled up so much for Penance in the first place was fighting all the damn fiends to capture them in the first place!

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Hey, you can't just use Ass then pretend you're not a bot.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

God dammit I need to play this again soon!

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Yearly bump before 2012 ends.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Bahahahaha! Sucks that the opening post now links to ladbrooks now!

Kaostic - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Enjoy: [url]http://www.gamegrin.com/game/review/ps2/final-fantasy-x-ps2-review[/url]

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Holy hell....72 comments and 12199 reads haha!

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