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Bite Night Review

Bite Night Review

Imagine, if you will, a game where you control a worker at a small remote gas station. However, everything is not quite as it seems as you are being hunted. A malign presence seeks to hunt you down and cause great har— — why does that vampire have a bucket on his head?

That’s essentially the best way that I can sum up Bite Night, the comedic first-person horror game from MyGrandfather Games. Now, I am a bit limited in what I can reasonably explain about the plot because Bite Night is only about 30 minutes long if you take breaks. The whole game takes place over one night, but it's suitably weird, so that makes up for it makes up for it. 

Gameplay is based around completing a list of tasks by holding E, it’s not complicated and has no hidden mechanics. Honestly, it was the weakest part of the game due to how tedious picking up individual boxes can be. To be fair, however, it reminded me of when I used to work in a petrol station so at least it's accurate. You will also talk to the odd person but it’s a slow text crawl with no voice acting so it can get a little old.

Graphically, Bite Night best resembles a Chilla’s Art game, as it's blocky and old school. While the visuals aren’t the most interesting to look at, they do what they need to, and the janky animations add to the comedy you see. I will say that the few bits of voice acting are pretty funny, although they are entirely just the odd “bleh” or dog noises. Finally, the music is pretty great… when it happens, that is. The peak of this is the final sequence, which serenades you with a heavy metal guitar riff.

The reality is that Bite Night is not a long game, nor does it have much replayability. However, it's an entertaining hour or so of gameplay for a couple of quid, though chances are you won't return to play it again. If you want something to while away an hour and give you some laughs, then Bite Night isn’t the worst choice.

4.00/10 4

Bite Night (Reviewed on Windows)

Minor enjoyable interactions, but on the whole is underwhelming.

Bite Night is funny enough, but it's short and there’s nothing to return to here.

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Joshua Render

Joshua Render

Staff Writer

Became a writer and all he got was this lousy bio

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