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Watch Out For Goblins Preview

Watch Out For Goblins Preview

Watch Out For Goblins! is a physics-based platformer where you play as a goblin (I bet you could've figured that part out on your own) that is being developed and published by SQYD.studio. This hilarious game will have you jumping, smashing, and accidentally surviving your way through tons of parkour areas, enticing you to explore further by sprinkling collectibles all over.


I am going to be honest — it took me a moment to understand how to play. As a typical gamer, I merely skimmed over the tutorial text, assuming I wouldn't need a lot of hand-holding. While I wasn't wrong, it definitely took me a tad longer to understand how to properly parkour because of that. Regardless, the game had me laughing immediately, thanks to the sounds, character movement, and overall premise! And it's quite simple, too: you can jump with A (or hold to do a longer jump), grab, punch, and dash.

The game can be played with a partner in co-op, though I tried the demo out alone (I fully plan to force my wife to play with me in the future). In it, you get a whole area to explore, full of sludge and collectibles, including cool items you can dress your goblin with. There are also a handful of NPCs who will give you a quick pointer on what to do... that is if you're not like me. You see, although I did throw a punch or two "for the lulz", I did instinctively react by smacking them defensively whenever they suddenly rushed at me from behind, ending in me letting out a cackle while they were flung through the air.

I also thoroughly enjoyed looking around for cosmetics. I'm a big sucker for any game that allows me to customise my character, even one where you're a goblin that looks like he just finished up happy hour at the pub. I was particularly impressed that you can colour the clothes and your character, as I ended up making mine rock a cool pink skin along with some heart-filled boxers.

In total, I ended up playing the demo for almost an hour, and while a little bit of it was me getting the hang of the controls, the rest of it was just me having a blast. The controls feel surprisingly smooth for a game trying to make it difficult to move! That's not to say that it's too easy, however; despite how much better I got at handling my goblin's aerodynamics, I still ended up in some hilarious situations. If you're not careful, you'll find yourself plummeting to the bottom as punishment for trying to be cool, a la Only Up.

The demo was absolutely hilarious, and I can't wait to experience the full game with my wife. If you enjoy humour, goblins, and platforming, I urge you to try it out! Watch Out For Goblins! will release on Steam's Early Access sometime in 2025!

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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