Battlefield 1943 Preview
If you're looking at Battlefield 1943 and expecting it to have the same level of depth of gameplay as its PC based predecessors, then stop right now as it doesn't. But that is not to say it isn't a good game in its own right.
Battlefield 1943 is currently only available on the PS3 and Xbox 360, and for me it is compromised by the limitations of the consoles. Some people get on fine playing FPS games with a console controller, and for those people it is a well thought out and executed game.
The graphics are lovely and the destructible scenery is fun. If you are manning a fixed machine gun and a tree is in your line of fire you can just shoot it down, and some of the buildings can be damaged and in some cases totally destroyed, which adds an interesting element to defending a point. Whereas BF1942 and BF2 were very intense games that rewarded structured team play, 1943 is much more of an everyman for himself run'n'gun experience.
There are only three maps to start with - Wake Island, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal, all of which players of the previous versions will be very familiar with, and it is interesting to see how the Frostbite engine improves them. The maps feel smaller somehow but I believe this is because there is a lot more foliage to hide behind. A fourth map, Coral Sea, another very popular 1942 map, will be unlocked automatically when a total of 43 million kills are achieved by all players. It is expected that this will happen around October of this year.
The PC version is planned for a Q4 release, later than the consoles because they didn't want to just do a lazy console port. I understand that this will allow more online players than the 24 that the current version permits.
I was pleased to see that although there is no way to choose which server you join for online play, there is a menu option to allow you to join a game with your friends. The version I have played is on the PS3 so I cannot confirm whether this also applies to the 360, but I would be surprised if it didn't.
The nicest surprise for me was the price of the game. At only £9.99 on the Playstation Network and 1200 Microsoft points on the 360 this is astonishingly good value for money. For me this is a no brainer purchase and definitely one to add to your collection.
TGK - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
This is a fantastic game, one of if not the best arcade games on Xbox. Great preview :)
Platinum - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
one of if not the best arcade games on Xbox.
Must resist taking the mick....TGK - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
Must resist taking the mick....
Explain :DPlatinum - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
FPS, Console? you know the drill :p Anyhow is this out on the PC yet?
TGK - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
FPS, Console? you know the drill :p Anyhow is this out on the PC yet?
Have you read my article on PC vs. Console: FPS? I said the same thing as you. The reason I got this was because it came to console first and because my PC is broken therefore I couldn't play any decent games on it. I haven't regretted spending a single penny, it really is an FPS title that [I]Works [/I]on a console. PC release is later this year.Platinum - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
And you saw my smilie face? :p Still not got the PC fixed? was it the GPU? getting it RMA'd?
TGK - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
Still not sorted, just need to run over to mates house and check if the GPU works in his computer, if not, then that is what needs to be replaced
Platinum - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
In a odd way I hope it doesn't work at least you will then know what broke and get a rma sorted
Gunner002-1428100853 - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
If I remember correctly its got all of 2 maps? and those are all based on maps already out there, like wake island. I'm not gunna bother with it, stick to my Project reality and Battyfield 2142.
Betty_Swallocks - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018 Author
No, it has 4 maps now. It started with Wake Island, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. All good maps and they translate well to the new engine. Now Coral Sea has been released which is a pure dogfighting map and a lot of fun if you can fly the planes using the console controller.. If you compare it to 1942 or even BF2 it comes up short but really I think that is an unfair comparison. It is at the end of the day a budget title. It only costs a tenner. Both Battlefield games on the PC were premium titles costing over 3 times as much. Yes, I'll be getting the PC version when it comes out but for what it costs it's well worth adding to your collection on either console.
Gunner002-1428100853 - 01:39pm, 4th December 2018
Suppose considering its a budget game like you said for a 10'er isn't all to bad price wise, I'd like to give it a bash see if it is any good, but I feel the whole WWII has been done to the point of I really don't want to play any more of them games, more modern themed games are needed. Maybe adapt 2142 to the new engine? and BF2 also? bring them upto date as it where?