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Action Henk Preview

Action Henk Preview

Action Henk is a deeply gripping game with an emotional back story that will take you on a path of... cool butt-slides. Okay, so maybe the first part isn't quite right. But the last bit about butt-slides? Absolutely true.

Action Henk is an action-racing-platformer in which you have to race to the finish as quickly as possible, while avoiding obstacles and butt-sliding down hills for added momentum. In theory, it sounds like a very simple premise - and up to a point, it’s exactly that. But when you start getting to the more complex levels, differences of milliseconds can make or break a run. If you've ever seen or played Canabalt or Bit.Trip Runner, or even the Steam release of this, then you know what to expect.

Tying together Toy Story and Trials with a healthy dose of 90's nostalgia, the game appeals to my competitive nature all too well. Having spent hours practicing Green Hill Zone 1 from Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive to get a sub 30 second time, those feelings of “Just. One. More. Go” came rushing back. The last title to get me speed running in this way was Trials HD on the Xbox 360 (though that time I only lost an entire weekend to it).

It's very easy learning to play with the minimal control scheme it has, but mastering it is a whole other level. The levels can be completed mostly with ease, but it’s the gold medals that will really have you clasping for the edge of your seat as you get closer to winning them. The ability to quickly restart the level you're on means you can retry for the golds without any delay. Watching the ghosts for gold medals helps in certain situations - but remember... it’s not always the fastest route. A particularly nice touch that many 90's children will be able to resonate with, is that if you’re about to fall down a gap off the track, the floor changes into lava to seal your impending doom.

I jumped into a level that throws you off a ramp at the start with seemingly no way to make it to the next platform. It took a few drops into the lava before I watched what the ghost was doing, and realised that you jump through a power-up that allows you to swing from the scenery via a rope. Once I’d figured out how to use it, I was swinging from platform to platform freely like Worms with a ninja rope. I wondered whether I’d missed a tutorial or guide somewhere in game that should have taught me how to use it. But that may be because I jumped a few levels to get stuck into the more difficult ones early on.
One of the new features that’s been added for the console releases however, is the Local Multiplayer mode, pitting you against up to three of your friends from the same couch. Given the ease at which you can pick up and play this game, it’s either going to be an absolute hoot at parties - or the reason your friends are no longer speaking to you.

With a selection of upbeat electronic songs, the soundtrack also builds to the tension of the game play, seemingly pushing you harder and harder into getting a better time with each run. Its aim is to keep you focused on the action by not being too busy - and it manages it gracefully.

Overall, Action Henk is simple good fun at it’s finest, with an easy pick up level, a more difficult mastery level, 90's nostalgia trip with an addictive “just one more attempt - oh no where did the last three hours go” game play style. And butt-slides. You can never have enough butt-slides.

Action Henk launches on Xbox One and PS4 in early March.

Steven John Dawson

Steven John Dawson

Staff Writer

When not getting knee deep in lines of code behind the scenes, you'll find him shaving milliseconds off lap times in Forza.

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Acelister - 11:11am, 18th February 2016

I think I might just buy this when it hits PlayStation, even if it's not the free game.

djd4ws0n - 11:16am, 18th February 2016 Author

Doooooooo it! :D

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