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Marvel Heroes Preview

Marvel Heroes Preview

You could say that Marvel is pretty big right now. You could, but you would be wrong. Marvel is massive right now. With a string of successful movies, as well as a number of TV…

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Firefall Preview

Firefall Preview

I'd heard a lot about Red 5 Studio's Firefall prior to playing it but didn't actually know that much about it. I knew that it was a free-to-play MMO, I knew that it was still in…

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Hawken Preview

Hawken Preview

Nowadays, it's rare to come across an online shooter with some originality instead of just another generic, modern-military, 'shooty, bang, bang' game. Luckily, developer Adhesive…

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Ni No Kuni Demo Preview

Ni No Kuni Demo Preview

Namco Bandai and Level-5's Ni No Kuni has been pushed back to a February release, so those of you who were hoping to get hold of the game at release will now have to wait a week.…

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