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Zelda Breath of The Wild DLC Announcement

When Breath of the Wild was Released players knew immediately of the upcoming DLC to be released this year. Yet other then just a short sentence of description we did not know what the DLC was going to consist of. With this announcement we know have a glimpse into what players can look forward to.

DLC pack one "Master Trials" Trial of the Sword is the new dungeon being one that strips away your gear to solve with literally nothing. Master Mode is the promised harder difficulty mode. Hero’s Path appears to be a feature that allows players to track Link's movement throughout Hyrule, or possibly to set a pre-determined route Link will follow. This DLC is to be released June 30th

DLC pack 2 "Champions Ballad" is a new story mode that seems to follow the now deceased champions. The Amiibos seem to play a part in this DLC pack but whether it is another add on or if its necessary for the DLC is unknown. This pack is slated to be released holiday 2017.

Nathan Saretzky

Nathan Saretzky

Staff Writer

A big fan of Power Rangers Zeo.

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