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YU-GI-OH! DUEL LINKS is Celebrating Its 8th Anniversary With a Celebration Log-in Gift Campaign

YU-GI-OH! DUEL LINKS is Celebrating Its 8th Anniversary With a Celebration Log-in Gift Campaign

Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS is quickly approaching it's eight year since launch, which only goes to show  how popular the trading card game is even now. To celebrate this respectable milestone, DUEL LINKS is hosting a Log-in bonus campaign with both daily goodies and general accessories up for grabs! 

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Eager Duelists logging in to the game during the campaign can trade in Chronicle Card Tickets to unlock special Chronicle Card versions of iconic Ace Monsters, such as Yugi's Dark Magician or Yusei's Stardust Dragon. Additionally, daily log-ins will be rewarded with various tickets and  celebratory items!

The Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS 8th Anniversary Log-In Campaign is set to kick off on the 12th  January 2025. The game itself is available for free download at the App Store, Google Play, and for PC via Steam.

Martin Heath

Martin Heath

Staff Writer

Professional Bungler

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