WWE 2K18 Pre-Orders Will Get to Play as the President
Editor's Note: The astute amongst you will have probably noticed the date on this article already. This April Fools gag was brought to you by GameGrin.com.
It wouldn’t be unreasonable to suggest that the current president of the United States of America is something of a divisive figure. With debates raging about his policy, his attitudes towards the opposite sex , and how he eats a pizza; the big man with the little hands has generated just a bit of controversy. Enough to warrant including him in a violent video game? 2K think so anyway; they’re making him a playable character in WWE 2K18, available only as a pre-order bonus.
It might seem a little odd to have a president in a videogame, but it isn’t the first time. NBA Jam had a mode where you could play as Obama, Palin, and Clinton for example. Aside from that, Trump has a history of appearing in the real world WWE. Although he hasn’t done so since his election, he was involved in many WWE events over the years, and was indicted into the WWE Hall of Fame (pictured above).
“Donald Trump was a great character in WWE, and now he’s leader of our great country, it seems like the perfect time to include him in one of our titles” Said Ian Beale, canteen manager at 2K Europe “His appearances in the format are legendary and we’ve been waiting for just the right time to add him to the roster, and now seems like it”
azrael316 - 11:28am, 1st April 2017
Amazing. Getting a oreorder in now. ;)