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WoW Token Price Drops Within Days

WoW Token Price Drops Within Days

As we reported when it launched earlier this week, the price of the new WoW Token - bought with real money to be sold in-game for gold, giving the buyer 30-days of game time - will fluctuate with the market.

And fluctuate it has. Luckily some handy souls have put together a chart for everyone to see how the market is faring. WoWToken.info monitors the auction houses, so you don't have to.

In the days following the WoW Token launch, after a brief rise, the price dropped from 30,000 gold to a smidge over 20,000 gold. It's fluctuated since, but hasn't recovered to even close to its original price. And the time it takes to sell has gone from only half an hour to up to 12 hours.

It will be interesting to see what Blizzard take away from this, when they launch the WoW Token in other territories.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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azrael316 - 09:48am, 11th April 2015

A bit misleading, the "Price" hasnt changed. Its still $20 I belive.

The "Value" is what has changed.

Acelister - 09:54am, 11th April 2015 Author

I stand by the title. What do you call the cost of goods you buy on eBay?
