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World of Tanks Generals Closed Beta Sign Ups Open

World of Tanks Generals Closed Beta Sign Ups Open

Wargaming have announced that signups for the closed beta test of World of Tanks Generals have opened! Currently in the browser version only, however.

Here is what the press release had to say:

World of Tanks Generals offers a PvP mode and PvE training battles, allowing players to master the game’s basics, build a number of decks, tailor strategies and unlock the cards that suit their playstyle.


Included in the Closed Beta test are over 200 unique cards split between three factions—the USA, Germany and the USSR—and divided into several types. With an army of cards and a host of strategies available, every battle is an intense skirmish of sudden strikes, tactical trickery and dynamic dueling where you must adapt to survive.

To sign up, head over to the main site from your region:

www.wotgenerals.eu (Europe)
www.wotgenerals.com (North America)
www.wotgenerals.asia (Asia)

WoT G Cards USA M3 LeeWoT G Cards USSR T 54

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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