Wonderland Dizzy to Get Physical Release
Reporting on new releases is a daily occurrence here at GameGrin. Those new releases tend to be on iterations of the PlayStation, Xbox, PC or Wii though. It's not too often that we get to report on a new game for Nintendo's 1986 grey box of tricks.
We reported last week on the resurfacing of the previously missing Wonderland Dizzy but at that time it was released as a free Flash Game and ROM. This is now being added to with a cartridge based release for those who wish to play it on an original NES.
The physical edition will be released in limited quantities for backers of Fusion Retro Books' Kickstarter to create a biography of creators The Oliver Twins. 100 copies will be made available, boxed with newly created artwork and instructions, exactly as it would have been seen if it had been released as planned all those years ago.
If you're an 8-bit fan with £100 to spare then you could do worse than backing the Kickstarter. If you just want to play the game and a real cartridge isn't a concern then head along to wonderlanddizzy.com to play it in your browser.
Platinum - 04:21pm, 28th October 2015
Im torn between "Wooo Dizzy" and my memorys saying "Fuck that Dizzy, fuck him hard"
Dombalurina - 06:57pm, 28th October 2015 Author
He's an egg, where would you put it in? Actually, don't answer that.