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Win Soulbringer with our Caption Contest

Win Soulbringer with our Caption Contest

A caption contest, for those who don't know, is where you come up with a one (maybe two) line way to sum up a picture. No image manipulation, no payment, no signing up or viewing our YouTube channel (though you should!) - just make a comment below!

If you win, you will get a Steam key for Soulbringer.

Remember to be funny, witty, quippy or punny. The more comedic, out of context madness, the better!

To be in with a chance, simply caption this image:

soulbringer screenshot

Click to enlarge!

Entries must be in by 18:30 BST / 13:30 EST on Saturday 20th February to qualify. The winner will be announced along with our next Caption Contest!

Congratulations to  for winning Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes!

Caption Contest
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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Dombalurina - 07:05pm, 13th February 2016

When I said "let's play the floor is lava" I didn't mean for real.

Emseypenguin - 10:06pm, 13th February 2016

I'm commenting because Dominoid keeps bitching about me in his articles and I don't want him to get any more free shit.

Dombalurina - 10:49pm, 13th February 2016

I made one rude comment once! 

Nat Ralph
Nat Ralph - 10:24pm, 13th February 2016

"No, you need to wear the PINK cloak if you want to summon Cupid! But I told you, that STILL wont get you a girlfriend!" 

little Emma
little Emma - 10:42pm, 13th February 2016

Leeeeeeroy jeeeeenkins!!! Oh is this the right game? ;)

GrimYoshi - 05:19pm, 14th February 2016

Come to the party they said, hit play they said, NO ONE TOLD ME THAT THE GIANT PLAY BUTTON ON THE FLOOR MADE LAVA!!!!

Acelister - 07:23pm, 20th February 2016 Author

Congratulations GrimYoshi, you've won Soulbringer!

Message us on Facebook to claim your prize! https://www.facebook.com/GameGrin/

Jl - 07:22am, 16th February 2016

"Is it me? Or does anyone else feel warm in here?"

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