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Win Hitman Absolution Elite Edition in our Caption Contest

Win Hitman Absolution Elite Edition in our Caption Contest

A caption contest, for those who don't know, is where you come up with a one (maybe two) line way to sum up a picture. No image manipulation, no payment, no signing up or viewing our YouTube channel (though you should!) - just make a comment below!

If you win, you will get a Steam key for Hitman Absolution Elite Edition.

Remember to be funny, witty, quippy or punny. The more comedic, out of context madness, the better!

To be in with a chance, simply caption this image:

Hitman Absolution Caption Contest

Click to enlarge!

Entries must be in by 18:30 BST / 13:30 EST on Thursday 23rd April to qualify. The winner will be announced half an hour later along with our next Caption Contest!

Caption Contest
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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azrael316 - 09:27am, 17th April 2015

Its called Lynx here dumbass, i'll give you can I have some Axe!

djd4ws0n - 09:35am, 17th April 2015

I'm only going to axe you this one, more, time!

Acelister - 10:46pm, 24th April 2015 Author

Winner! Please contact our Facebook page to claim your prize! https://www.facebook.com/GameGrin

domdange - 06:58pm, 17th April 2015

"Just a little off the top, please"

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