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Wildcat Gun Machine Release Date Trailer

Chunkybox Games and Daedalic Entertainment have revealed the release date of their upcoming twin-stick shooter, Wildcat Gun MachineA bullet hell dungeon crawler featuring cute kittens, giant mechs, multiple guns, and hordes of flesh beasts; players are thrown into the action in order to liberate robots from demonic elder gods.


Players will be able to choose from a range of 40 different gun types, along with super abilities that come from character upgrades to bolster their quest to defeat the Lovecraftian beasts in this master class of cartoon violence.

Wildcat Gun Machine is due to release on 4th May 2022 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington

Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington

Staff Writer

A purveyor of strange alcoholic mixes and a penchant for blowing shit up in games. Proud member of the glorious PC master race.

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