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What's New in Embr's Winter Update?

The first of two major content updates planned before the end of 2020 has just been released for Muse Games' Embr. Titled 'The Winter Update', the new content on offer promises to deliver more absurd, bizarre firefighting hijinks for players to smash and bash through either in solo or co-op. Check out the update's trailer above, or read on to see what's new.

The Winter Update

What's New?

  • A New Neighbourhood - Newton Ave.
  • New Gear - A vacuum grenade and medic outfit (both useful for circumventing the next new feature).
  • New Obstacles - State-of-the-art security systems in Newton Avenue's homes.
  • Additional Mini-Campaign - Complete with all-new levels.
  • Bug Fixes

embr screesnhot winter3

The next update (titled "The Holiday Update"), due on the 18th December, is expected to bring an additional mini campaign, an ice gun, more gear, more cosmetics and additional goodies.

For more details, including a full list of the Winter Update's bug fixes, check out its news page on Steam.

The Winter Update is out now for Embr for PC (via Steam) and Stadia.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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