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What's Inside a Steam Machine?

What's Inside a Steam Machine?

Valve's Steam Machine is a promise to bring Steam's heart in PC gaming into your living room. The Steam Machine may look like a console but don't let appearances fool you, it is very much a PC.

The video below has been filmed by beta tester Corey Nelson and shows the heart and parts of the prototype Steam Machine.


As you can see from the guide above Valve have made it fairly straightforward to get into the machine. It even looks like there would be scope to upgrade some of the components, especially the hard drive.

So who else is eagerly awaiting this PC in consoles clothing?

Next-Generation Console
Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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