What Does the Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Digital Deluxe Edition & Pre-order Bonus Include
Welcome, matey. I hear you've been wondering what the different editions of Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii are and what you'll get if you pre-order. Well, I've got all the answers right here — at least about this subject; don't go asking me for life advice! Without further ado, let's talk about what you can get.
It should go without saying that if you get the Standard Edition, all you'll be getting is the base game — no additional bells or whistles included (unless you pre-order, that is), so I didn't add it to the list.
Pre-order Bonus
If you're sure you'll be jumping into the open seas anyway, you might want to consider pre-ordering so you can get the Ichiban Pirate Crew Set and the Ichiban Special Outfit Set. The former will add Ichiban Kasuga and Nancy (who, by the way, is a lobster) to your crew; with the latter, you'll get two outfits to style Goro with: a casual outfit and a more dapper one.
So, in summary, if you pre-order Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, you'll receive the following:
- The base game (plus the Digital Deluxe if you go for that edition instead)
- Ichiban Pirate Crew Set (Ichiban Kasuga and Nancy as crew)
- Ichiban Special Outfit Set (two outfits)
Digital Deluxe Edition (£64.99 vs the Standard Edition's £54.99)
If you want some extra cool stuff, you might want to consider getting the Digital Deluxe, particularly if you know you'll enjoy activities like ship customisation, karaoke, and dressing Goro up! More music, more crew, more outfits, more ship customisation... more, more, more! That's what this version will be bringing to your experience: more of everything.
If you buy the Digital Deluxe Edition of Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, you'll receive the following:
- The base game (+ pre-order bonus if you bought it).
- Strongest Pirate Crew Set.
- Enthusiastic Supporters Set.
- Legendary Character Special Outfit Set.
- Special T-Shirt Set.
- Kazuma Kiryu Special Ship Customization Set.
- Ichiban Kasuga Special Ship Customization Set.
- Daigo Dojima Special Ship Customization Set.
- RGG Studio Special Ship Customization Set.
- Extra Karaoke Song.
- CD Collection Set.
It goes without saying that the Digital Deluxe Edition offers quite more content, so if you're excited, it might just be worth spending those £10 more to get all of that, plus the pre-order stuff.
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii will release on the 20th of February!