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We Happy Few Coming to Xbox

First-person survival game We Happy Few arrives on August 10th on Xbox, and to celebrate, Microsoft showed off a new trailer at E3 2018. Inspired by classics of dystopian fiction like Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brazil, and Brave New World, the game takes place in the mid-1960s in the fictional English city of Wellington Wells. The town was formed following an alternate timeline of the events within World War II, and its on the verge of societal collapse.

The residents of the city, seeking to forget the war, began taking a hallucinogenic drug known as "Joy", but also leaves them constantly happy, easily controlled and lacking morals. Players control one of three characters, who becomes dubbed a "Downer" after choosing to stop using the drug, and must try to survive long enough to complete something important and personal to themselves, all while trying to escape the city before the impending social collapse.

Andrew Wowk

Andrew Wowk

Staff Writer

Is often asked if people should "Wowk this way".

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