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We Happy Few Comes to an End with We All Fall Down Later This Month

Orwellian survival adventure, We Happy Few, comes to a dramatic conclusion on 19th November when the final DLC releases on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

With a name like “We All Fall Down”, developer Compulsion Games isn’t leaving much up to interpretation as to what the fate of We Happy Few’s dystopia, Wellington Wells, will be. Players take control of Victoria Byng, as she embarks on a rebellious mission to overthrow the game’s oppressive, authoritarian regime and put an end to the influence of mind-controlling drug, Joy.

Story and action is the primary focus of this DLC, as evidenced by the scrapped survival mechanics of the base game in favour of new combat, traversal and stealth mechanics. Victoria wields a whip and dart gun to take on enemies, and can also climb onto rooftops to stealthily travel across Wellington Wells. Despite her efforts to tear down the shackles of society, Victoria is not completely free its control. She must still confront the withdrawal symptoms of Joy as she fights to be free of its control.

Check out the launch trailer above.

We All Fall Down releases on 19th November for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Season Pass owners will receive the content at no additional cost, all other players can purchase the DLC at $7.99.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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