Watch_Dogs Wipes Unlocked Skills If Players Go Offline
So everyone remembers the whole "deal with it" always online Xbox One debacle and here we go again.
If you choose to turn off online invasions in Watch_Dogs you're going to lose all your notoriety and any notoriety skills you've unlocked.
Gameskinny has a leaked screenshot that shows a warning pop up when players attempt to disable Online Invasions. The prompt threatens to reset the player's Notoriety to 0 and to erase any Notoriety skills that the player has unlocked.
In multiplayer Notoriety is like experience and having more of it makes your character stronger. Increasing your Notoriety also unlocks skills that can be used. It's similar to Dark Souls multiplayer and allows other players to drop in and hack your game as an added challenge.
Should you have a dodgy net connection or choose to go offline for a purist single player experience, say hello to a stat wipe.
Or course, if you choose to play single player only from minute 1, this is a total non-event.