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Watch Dogs 2 E3 2016 Gameplay Walkthrough

With the Ubisoft E3 2016 conference getting hacked mid speech DeadSec reveal themselves and bring us a gameplay walkthrough of the upcoming Watch Dogs 2.    

Set in the city of colourful, golden gate bridge home of San Francisco, Watch Dogs 2 is set to redeem itself from the last entry and the biggest change, a new protagonist. Gone is the walking, grumbling cardboard cut out Aiden Pearce and in his place Marcus Holloway, a young hacker from Oakland, who's arrived in San Francisco to hack his way to the top and meet some cooky, hipsters hackers along the way. 

It's looking a lot more light-hearted than dreadful, dreary tone of the last entry and it can be seen with the gameplay above; as you see Marcus infiltrate and cause havoc while he's rocking to his tunes.

Sony have also confirmed that PlayStation 4 gamers will get DLC first as part of their long running relationship with Ubisoft.

More details and gameplay will be revealed as we get closer to the November 15th release date for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. 

E3 2016 - News
Calum Parry

Calum Parry

Staff Writer

A bearded fellow whom spends most days gaming and looking at tech he can never afford. Has a keen eye for news and owns a dog that's a bear.

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