Walmart Announces Plan to Enter Second Hand Game Business
Gamesindustry.biz is reporting that Walmart has announced plans to roll out game trade-in operations to 3100 stores in an attempt to kneecap existing pre-owned retailers.
Working in conjunction with CE Exchange, the store will allow consumers to swap games for store credit, which can be used to purchase anything that Walmart sells. Used games could be available to in-store shoppers as early as this summer.
Ultimately, we want to pay more for games than anybody else and let [customers] pay less.
- Duncan Mac Naughton, Executive V.P, Chief Merchandising and Marketing Officer for Walmart
Whether you're on the Cliff Blezinski side of the argument and think used game sales and rentals are a creation of Lucifer himself or you are a patron of the likes of Gamestop and CeX it's pretty obvious that this is going to shake things up a good amount.