Vote to Play Returns to PS Plus
If you're a PS Plus subscriber, you'll no doubt have enjoyed the quirky platformer from Ubisoft, Grow Home a couple of months ago. Not to worry if you missed it, you can currently get it for a few pence from Humble. If you didn't already know, that game was chosen by the PlayStation community. Now, Sony are running a vote for the next game to be featured as part of their "vote to play" initiative.
You can choose from three well regarded indie titles. First up, there's old school speed platforming in Action Henk - a game that's more like the old school Sonic the Hedgehog games than the Sonic games are these days. If that doesn't tickle your fancy, then there's always twin stick shooter Assault Android Cactus. The third option to pick from is Broforce; an unashamedly 80s themed action game with online co-op and a firmly tongue-in-cheek presentation.
If you want to cast your vote, all you need to do is log on to your PS4 from 9th February. There, you will see a PlayStation Plus section in the top left corner, which gives you the option to vote for whatever you choose. Whichever game gets the most votes at the end of the promo will be featured totally free in next month's PS Plus line-up.
Acelister - 09:18am, 5th February 2016
Action Henk, definitely. Because the other two sound crap.
Dombalurina - 10:28pm, 5th February 2016 Author
I'm hoping for Action Henk to win, it looks awesome.