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Unreal Engine Goes to Subscription Model

Unreal Engine Goes to Subscription Model

Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has announced that the Unreal Engine is going to a subscription model. For a mere $19 a month and 5% of your gross revenues you can get access to the engine, source, and all the shiny toys that the likes of Cliff Blezinski has been playing with since the 90s.

So that's the Unreal Engine toolset and C++ source code, along with the ability to modify and share code with other subscribers. The program has rolled out with support for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android projects, with more platforms planned in the future.

Epic are in talks with Microsoft and Sony in an attempt to find their way around Non Disclosure Agreements that prevent them from rolling out the service to consoles as we speak.

The first moves to support Linux and SteamOS are in the source, as well as support for HTML 5.

Our whole business model is structured so that we succeed with this only if our developers succeed in making great games,

It gives absolutely every developer on earth economical access to everything we have when we develop a game internally,


Tim Sweeney - CEO and Founder. Epic Games

Registration for the program has opened up at Epic's official website.

Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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