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Uncharted 4 Gameplay Trailer

Naughty Dog have revealed a 15-minute gameplay trailer of upcoming title Uncharted 4.

Revealed at the beginning of the PlayStation Experience Keynote, the trailer shows off various features of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End including new climbing, stealth and rope swing mechanics, all of which echo Uncharted's charming action ethos.

The trailer opens with a gorgeous vista of a jungle and pans out to Drake, still played by Nolan North, looking out to sea and as he traverses through the caves and undergrowth he mentions he is searching for pirate treasure. 

The surprise of the 15-minutes was the reveal at the end when we find out Drake is working with his previously unmentioned older brother who is voiced by Naughty Dog favourite, Troy Baker.

Although still no official date, the trailer ends with a fade to black and a the year 2015. If thats enough to get you Uncharted hands twitching then why not watch the trailer over and over again, all will be forgiven!




Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!

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domdange - 11:48am, 7th December 2014 Author

When i first saw this i thought it was Troy Baker at the end... i knew i should have gone with my gut and called it from the get go!

The Griddler
The Griddler - 05:27pm, 7th December 2014

Really liking the look of this, especially the stealth.

domdange - 07:08pm, 7th December 2014 Author

Stealth looking like it's from TLOU

Phil - 10:36pm, 7th December 2014

I only liked Uncharted 3 due to the multiplayer which was really fun.

domdange - 06:48pm, 8th December 2014 Author

Vey generic third person shooter multiplayer though. Nothing outstanding in term of innovation. Do you not like the story?

Phil - 08:42pm, 8th December 2014

@[539584607:Dom D'Angelillo] It's pretty boring, don't like the feel of it, I believe there are puzzles in the first that put me right off.
