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Ubisoft Forward: Skull and Bones

Tonight at Ubisoft Forward, we got an update on Skull and Bones with a new trailer. With a focus on the latest season, Chorus of Havoc. They’ve included a new ship, The Brig, which is a perfect warship or smuggling vessel, and you can also fight against the Megalodon: Lestari.

Introducing the Hubach Twins within the Chorus of Havoc narrative arc, these will be your main antagonists. Armon and Bertrand lead an orchestral fleet, and you will defend your ship in a naval battle against them.

There are new events, including the Summer Fiesta and the Dragon’s Regatta, where you can race against other players for rewards.

As part of the new trailer for Skull and Bones, you’ll find that they’ve added fleet management to ensure an easier time for players. These will help you to expand your empire, and more solo and PvE game modes were added to offer new loot and rewards.

With a host of ship upgrades, players can upgrade their ships and their arsenals without any challenges. They then leave us with the promise of further adversity in Into the Dragon’s Wake where you will do battle against a new sea lord in charge of The Dragon’s Claw fleet and a new sea monster in the form of a flying dragon.

As part of this, a new 5v5 PvP mode will be available in Season Three when it is released this summer. So look forward to more features when it becomes available.

Summer Game Fest 2024
Bex Prouse

Bex Prouse

Staff Writer

Writing about all sorts like a liquorice allsort

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