Two Arrested After Violent Threats On Pokémon World Championship
Two men have been arrested for plotting a violent attack on the Pokémon World Championships which are currently being held in Boston.
The two men, Kevin Norton (18) and James Stumbo (27), made threats toward the Championships over social media, and the relevant authorities were quickly notified.
The men were found to be unlawfully carrying a AR-15 assault rifle and a 12-gauge Remington shotgun, along with hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition.
Paul Fitzgerald, superintendent of the Boston Police Derparment's Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis, said "this incident is a good example of private security reaching out to their local Boston police district and relaying information to detectives and BRIC analysts in order to identify the very real threat. The BPD detectives and collaborating agencies did a great job in the stop and prevention of a potential tragedy."
Acelister - 03:04pm, 25th August 2015
Jeeze, some people take these things too seriously...