Tripwire CEO Steps Down After Tweeting Support for Texas Abortion Law
Following John Gibson’s recent tweet supporting the new Abortion Law passed in Texas, Tripwire has issued a statement announcing his departure from his previous role of CEO of the company, expressing that “His comments disregarded the values of our whole team, our partners and much of our broader community.” Alan Wilson, co-founding member and current Vice President will be taking up the position in the interim.
Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat. As an entertainer I don’t get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer.
— John Gibson (@RammJaeger) September 4, 2021
Shipwright Studios and Torn Banner Studios who have worked with Tripwire over the past few years on titles like Maneater and Chivalry 2, also issued statements on their respective Twitters, condemning and distancing themselves from the opinions expressed by John Gibson. Shipwright Studios announced their decision to cut ties altogether, although this may change now that Gibson has left the leadership role.
— Shipwright Studios (@shipwrightstdio) September 5, 2021
We do not share the opinion expressed in a recent tweet by the president of Tripwire, publisher of Chivalry 2. This perspective is not shared by our team, nor is it reflected in the games we create. The statement stands in opposition to what we believe about women’s rights.
— Torn Banner Studios (@TornBanner) September 6, 2021