Trials Fusion Update 6 Patch Notes
Trials Fusion has been out since April last year and is only one patch higher than Assassin's Creed Unity. And the patch notes are massive, with fixes to multiplayer, sound, the notifications - even the user interface.
So strap yourself onto your stunt bike and read up on what update 6 will bring with it.
Fixed an issue where recently played tracks list is reset when users play tracks from track central.
Fixed an issue where the tracks names are not in sync.
Fixed an issue where the "Season Pass Purchase" pop up is shown to the user if they start a DLC track immediately after entering the tracks list in Track Central.
Fixed an issue where the 'Top rated This Week: X-Supercross' rubric is not present in Track Central.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes when sharing or downloading a UGC track which includes "=" in the track name.
Fixed an issue where the "Uplay recommended" feed in track central looks empty as the Uplay image is too small.
Fixed an issue where an improper driving line is followed by the Rider in Track Central for Supercross Tracks.
Fixed an issue where "Parameters" set for individual tracks are not visible on client side in Private Match lobby.
Fixed an issue where blocked players are able to join a group for online multiplayer sessions.
Fixed an issue where all players in a Public matchmaking game are redirected to Online Multiplayer menu with an error if the first player added leaves the session.
Fixed an issue where nothing happens when the user selects "Leave Multiplayer" in the chat party app.
Fixed an issue where users can accept an invite to join an online multiplayer lobby by accepting a game request of an inactive profile whilst there is an active profile logged in.
Fixed an issue where users gets stuck in an X-Supercross Track when another user remains idle on the Podium screen after finishing a session and continues to next session.
Fixed an issue where the user who accepts the invite first disappears from the start line after the countdown.
Fixed an issue where accepting a request on the loading screen of a Multiplayer session, the client turns into a host.
Fixed an issue where the game gets stuck at clients end after pressing OK just before the error message "Host left the session" appears in private match.
Fixed an issue where an inactive user does not join the session upon accepting the invite if the active user was already in a session.
Fixed an issue where an infinite loading screen is observed on the local MP loading screen if the user declines 'Online MP game invitation Pop-up'.
Fixed an issue where non-group members are getting disconnected when the leader of group joins first in matchmaking and sign's out of PSN whilst both Non-Group and Group members are in same X-Supercross session.
Fixed an issue where users gets stuck when they accept game requests and press back on the warning massage.
Fixed an issue where the player is thrown out of any session if the player accepts any game request in between any session and on the "Invite" pop up, selects the decline option.
Fixed an issue where other players cannot join the second player after the first player quits on the matchmaking screen.
Fixed an issue where a black screen is observed for the non-group members for some time when the host ejects their Ethernet cable on a loading screen which appears just after the bike selection screen in online X-Supercross.
Fixed an issue where a secondary profile will be unable to access/sign into uplay if the user signs out from the primary profile whilst in online multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where a secondary profile is directly taken to the multiplayer lobby without input if the primary profile is signed out whilst in online multiplayer mode.
Fixed an issue where the user does not redirect to the host lobby after accepting an invite from the host.
Fixed an issue where an infinite loading screen is observed on the clients console when the client leaves a session.
Fixed an issue where the client's game does not progress if the host signs out on the matchmaking screen.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on the hosts side when the last client accepts the party invite and then goes on to register on Uplay.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes when the host signs out of their profile on the transition screen between two heats.
Fixed an issue where the title screen crashes after the host sends an invite the second time to all players after completing a session.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on the host’s side when one of the clients accepts their party invite whilst the host is in a private match lobby.
Fixed an issue where users cannot accept an online multiplayer request if the user is not logged into Uplay.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on the primary console when the user is forced to Sign-Out due to the same profile being used on another console when the user is on the invite confirmation pop-up screen.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on the client’s side in a private match as spectator when specific steps are performed. (Host signs out during session, re-invites client, client accepts while in training program).
Fixed an issue where users cannot select a bike when one of the clients signs out at the map selection screen.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes when a user signs out during a multiplayer track, signs in and then launches any map.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on the hosts side when the host re-invites all clients after the clients had been disconnected from the previous session by removing their Ethernet cable on the track selection screen in online X-Supercross.
Fixed an issue which blocks access to users with UGC set to "Friends only" in the Online Multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where the game goes into a long loading screen when returning to the online menu after all the X-Supercross tracks are finished.
Fixed an issue where the game goes into an infinite loading screen after removing the Ethernet cable during a MP session and then quitting from the spectator lobby.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes for all 9 players including the host in a Private match as Spectator when the last (8th) player accepts the invite from the host after completing a session of Private match as Spectator with the same host.
Fixed an issue where non-group members are starting a new individual session, after the Group Host Signs out or quits the Game.
Fixed an issue where an infinite loading screen appears upon accessing Online MP after returning from a local MP session with two controllers connected or when having sub-accounts logged in.
Fixed an issue where a session quits abruptly and redirects to the main multiplayer menu when users select decline from the pop-up message in private MP when the invitation is first accepted but then declined in the verification popup.
Fixed an issue where wrong fault points are being awarded to the players who finish last and has the highest faults, whilst all other players share the same number of faults.
Fixed an issue where party invites can be sent to other players from the X-Supercross matchmaking menu.
Fixed an issue where users are not able to finish the track even after crossing the finish line in any online session after having accepted an invite when playing the "Circles of Hell" track from the "Fire in the Deep" content pack.
Fixed an issue where the clients continuously search for a new session for 3 minutes and then Times Out when the Host leaves the session.
Fixed an issue where online X-Supercross matchmaking is not functional if the users enter online X-Supercross directly or after creating a group.
Fixed an issue where players can't invite other players in spectator mode.
Fixed an issue where the Multiplayer Leaderboard Score system isn't working correctly.
Fixed an issue where the game goes into an infinite loading screen after users exit the "Uplay sign-in" pop-up and try to sign-in to the game after accepting an online MP invite.
Fixed an issue where the user does not join the private session match and remains on another users profile when accepting the request whilst viewing another users profile.
Fixed an issue where accepting an invite from another multiplayer lobby will not take the user to the expected lobby session.
Fixed an issue where the game is unresponsive for approximately 56 seconds on trying to access certain online areas multiple times after an uplink disconnection.
Fixed an issue where “Spectate Mode” does not work in Inferno IV after completing the track.
Fixed an issue where the game navigates out of the Online Multiplayer mode without displaying any notification for the first few attempts whilst trying to access Online Multiplayer after an Uplink disconnection.
Fixed an issue where the "Featured Tracks" Image spills out.
Fixed an issue where the Team Management and Team Main screen are overlapping
Fixed an issue where the background turns black after completing any track and continuing to the menu.
Fixed an issue where an unnecessary Team pop-up is displayed when the user launches the game for the first time.
Fixed an issue where a user generated tracks image is being shown for all tracks on client side in the private match lobby
Fixed an issue where an inappropriate error message "The requested operation could not be completed" appears if user presses the "Y" Button to invite party members after already sending party invites to the other players.
Fixed an issue where the players’ names on the podium screen get displaced from their position if user spams the exit button after any player leaves the session.
Fixed an issue where the microphone animation shows up on the wrong player at the final result screen on the podium.
Fixed an issue where the wrong message is displayed to the host when they unplug their Ethernet cable in an online X-Supercross lobby.
Fixed an issue where no popup message is displayed when the user accepts the game invite and is already in private match lobby.
Fixed an issue where the text "Private Match as Spectator" overlaps on the track image in bike selection screen when the game is launched using Italian language.
Fixed an issue where the race starts with "HEAT 0" and the countdown is shown multiple times for the remaining users(who joined separately) when the host of the group signs out of PSN on the track loading screen.
Fixed an issue where blank spaces are seen by players on the X-Supercross result screen if the session host signs out of PSN whilst on the result screen.
Fixed an issue where a PSN error message is not displayed if users sign-out of PSN after accepting an invite on the boot sequence.
Fixed an issue where the game gets stuck at a black screen after signing out from the multiplayer menu and starts any track with another account without Uplay registration.
Fixed an issue where an Uplay message is popping-up on the title screen when the user accepts an online multiplayer invite without registering in Uplay.
Fixed an issue where a PS Plus message is displayed if the user disconnects their uplink cable whilst in a private lobby and then tries to re-enter online multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where an incorrect message is shown when users select the "Invite Player" option quickly after entering "Private match as Spectator".
Fixed an issue where the "Invite party" button is not present on the button prompt in Private Match as Spectator.
Fixed an issue where the private spectator player list is misplaced in the right hand corner.
Fixed an issue where the names of players on the Podium disappear if the user spams the exit button as soon as the podium screen appears.
Fixed an issue where users are not able to access the "Notification Centre" and "Quick Stats" menu if the previously played X-Supercross session's notifications are present in the Online Multiplayer lobby.
Fixed an issue where the podium screen is missing scores.
Fixed an issue where the store screen is displayed even after accepting a private match invite.
Fixed an issue where the microphone icon appears disabled on the result screen of every track even though the microphone is connected
Fixed an issue where the track image used for Warehouse 88 is the Neo Athens' background from first checkpoint.
Fixed an issue where the wrong controller button mappings are displayed for Previous player and Next player.
Fixed an issue where the "Finish" pop up does not appear properly if the user is playing a Private match without any other players.
Fixed an issue where the "Could not load tracks" error message remains on the screen after removing an Ethernet cable when trying to select a UGC track with the content pack deleted.
Fixed an issue where the parameter highlight disappears after resetting track parameter in Edit Parameters page.
Fixed an issue where the wrong background is displayed on the track loading screen when users launch any track from tournament.
Fixed an issue where the download option is shown for "Fire in the deep" even after downloading the track and adding it to the game.
Fixed an issue where the "Send Join Request" button prompt is getting displayed in Team Leaderboards even when the Team type is set to "Accept to all".
Fixed an issue where the game displays the "UGC blocked" error message in a loop if UGC blocked profiles accesses a friend’s gamertag from the statistics section.
Fixed an issue where the slot is out of frame when in spectator lobby.
Fixed an issue where double input is being taken if the user holds down the B button on the in-game menu.
Fixed an issue where the bulletin board message of our team is shown in every team’s message box when the user goes to the Team leaderboard and then selects any team.
Fixed an issue where the game does not display the "storage not selected" error message after accepting an invite on the same console as an inactive player.
Fixed an issue where the spectator is not identified as speaking at the result screens.
Fixed an issue where Team Management and Team Main screen were overlapping.
Fixed an issue where the sorting arrow overlaps the text 'Track Difficulty' when the game is launched in Russian Language.
Fixed an issue where users can turn off all bikes for the track even for the 'THIS TRACK' category; which violates the design.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes when a user turns off all bikes in the ALL TRACKS category except for first track.
Fixed an issue where when you go online it says "Use of this application’s chat and messaging features is not allowed for your account".
Fixed an issue where the connecting message on the press start screen is displayed for around 2 minutes if a PSN profile has more than 2000 PSN friends.
Fixed an issue where the game gets stuck on a black screen if the user removes the memory unit after quitting Tournament mode.
Fixed an issue where the game stops taking inputs from the controller after cancelling the PSN sign-in screen on selecting the "Step Into the light" option (until the controller is disconnected and reconnected).
Fixed an issue where an image is missing from the title screen after pining the game to the home screen.
Fixed an issue where the "Unlock Full Game" page is not displayed when users accept an invite whilst in the track selection screen in a demo event.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on the client’s side when the host disconnects the Uplink Cable at the result screen after the first Heat of the track.
Fixed an issue where a replay does not pause the first time after pausing and then restarting.
Fixed an issue where an Infinite loading screen is observed when the player starts any career track whilst downloading the UGC tournament.
Fixed an issue where an underage sub account goes into an indefinite loading screen after accepting an online multiplayer invite.
Fixed an issue where the game gets stuck in a loop at the "application update" message after accepting an bootable invite while test patch is set to "ON".
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on start up from the Xbox Home screen after changing a language.
Fixed an issue where the game stops taking input from the controller after adding UGC tracks to your favourites from tournaments.
Fixed an issue where podium music starts too early after finishing the match.
Fixed an issue where the game does not block voice communications on the active profile if privileges are blocked for an inactive profile signed into another controller.
Fixed an issue where communication between users using headsets does not work on the podium screen.
Fixed an issue where navigation sounds can be spammed in various menu locations.
Fixed an issue where incorrect sounds are played when switching between the menus using LB or RT in the NOTIFICATION CENTER & PLAYER QUICK STATS.
Fixed an issue where the Bike Garage has no enter or exit sound.
Fixed an issue where the “Step into the Light” sound FX plays too early.
Fixed an issue where the Rider Garage has an incorrect navigation sound and no exit sound.
Fixed an issue where an incorrect sound is played in the Leaderboards menu.
Fixed an issue where when exiting the Credits in the options menu, an old non-dynamic music sound event is played.
Fixed an issue where the online ID of the current user talking cannot be identified in the 'Private Match as Spectator' section.
Fixed an issue where story voice-overs can be heard whilst watching a replay.
Fixed an issue where players who exit during a Ranked race will be muted if they go back into matchmaking.
Fixed an issue where no sounds are heard in trials tracks for spectators in Private matches in spectator mode.
Fixed an issue where the bike engine sounds of followed bikes cannot be heard in Trials tracks while spectating after the race has finished.
Fixed an issue where players cannot communicate if a microphone is attached after the first track ends.
Fixed an issue where when the user joins a new session after completing their first session, that the microphones stops working for other players in the same Group or session.
Fixed an issue where players will receive two of same message if (friend/team member) beat his record or uploads a new map in track center.
Fixed an issue where a duplicate notification will appear to players when their friends, who also belong to the same team, SHARES A TRACK to Track Central.
Fixed an issue where the user is not getting notifications if the leader accepts the user into a team.
Fixed an issue where if user activates notification 'Friend beat your record' from the notification center then the wrong background is displayed on the track loading screen.
Fixed an issue where the "Redlynx Info" notification screen cannot be opened when the game is booted in languages other than English.
Fixed an issue where users are unable to receive the notification "track shared by friend" in the notification center.
Fixed an issue where the network disconnection pop up is not shown immediately when a user removes their LAN cables on the "Activate" notification pop up in notification center.
Fixed an issue where players cannot get "Your friend joined a Team" notifications.
Fixed an issue where players cannot get the team notifications about their friends joining a team unless their PSN or Xbox live friend relationship was dismissed.
Fixed an issue where the game crashes on converting a trials infinite track (Start and End connected) into a Supercross track.
Fixed an issue where the "Uploading Fail" error message is shown when the user tries to share any Track created on the editor.
Fixed an issue where UGC X-Supercross tracks crash in spectator mode if certain events are used in the tracks.
Fixed an issue where out of world areas are observed in the entire track when the user accepts any multiplayer game request from the editor and then quits the multiplayer session and launches the track "Balancing Act".
General Performance optimizations.
Fixed an issue where a user is unable to send Join Requests from Team leaderboards.
Fixed an issue where the wrong background is displayed after switching from career to leaderboards.
In quick-stats “%” sign added “Single Player Completion” for more visibility.
Fixed an issue that occurs when the LAN connection is lost while connecting to servers which can result in a freeze or crash.
Fixed an issue where multiple parameters can be highlighted in the Edit Parameters menu in Private\Spectator Multiplayer modes.
Fixed an issue where a user is unable to update his score when the connection to server was previously lost.
Fixed an issue where Alt + Enter will switch to windowed mode with no borders.
“The Long Road Ahead” action can now be achieved after converting from demo to full game.
Fixed localization text for pop-up messages.
Fixed cool down period in Local Multiplayer when some players DNF, when "bailout finish" option is on.
Cool-down period is fixed when 3 players exit the race.
Fixed an issue where an online invitation is not displayed until the user either confirms\cancels new object addition to the favorite list.
Fixed an issue where selecting multiple groups could cause them to become glued.