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Transformers Devastation Character Trailer

The trailer above shows the five Autobots in action, using some of the array of moves each possesses to take on the Decepticons.

Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Grimlock are in the main game, but in this world of DLC you can guarantee that there will be reskins.

And there are three confirmed as pre-order bonuses! Because DLC.

If you pre-order on the PSN before 6th October and get six bonus things!

  • Three character skins: Nemesis Prime, Red Alert, and Goldfire.
  • Three weapons: The Dark Star Saber, The Photon Disruptor, and The twin Golden Hunter is a pair of blaster pistols that causes enemies to drop credits when attacked.

Though it's unlikely the pre-order bonus will be exclusive for too long post-launch.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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Calmine - 10:08am, 28th August 2015

Not gonna lie. I'm looking forward to this. It isn't a next gen Cybertron game but at least it ain't a bayforms games. G1 for the win.

Acelister - 11:18am, 28th August 2015 Author

I think it's a welcome addition to the franchise. Not every title has to be Fall of Cybertron to be fun, and as you say it's great that they are using G1 for a change.

In fact, this is the first G1 game to reach the West since the '80s.

Calmine - 11:44am, 28th August 2015

True that. G1 is the best, also Beast Wars too. I believe the release date on this is 9th or 10th of October so not far away.

Acelister - 11:48am, 28th August 2015 Author

Only date I've been able to find is the 6th October. Though it's not unheard of for us to get games on a Tuesday, it's certainly odd...

But yes, Beast Wars carried on from G1 and was amazing on its own, therefore double amazing.

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