Titanfall: Frontline Cancelled
Beta testing has been much maligned in recent years, with many people accusing companies of using them to create hype rather than for the purposes of actually testing games that are in development. Particle City however have proved that their beta tests are for the purposes of testing, as they’ve taken the difficult decision to cancel a game that they don’t feel has made the grade.
Titanfall: Frontline was a mobile version of the popular mech shooter. It was meant to convey the spirit of the main game on a much smaller screen, however they didn’t feel that it was right and as a result have pulled it.
In a statement on their Facebook page, the developer said:
“It is our goal to create the best Titanfall mobile games that showcase the fast-paced action, mobility and, of course, the power of Titans in this iconic series. We’ve learned an incredible amount in the beta test of Titanfall: Frontline, but in the end felt the experience wasn't ready to deliver the intense action-packed gameplay synonymous with Titanfall. While it’s never easy to cancel a game, we’re excited to take some of the concepts we saw resonate with players and build off of them in future Titanfall mobile games.”
The game will continue for a few more days, giving players time to say goodbye to the title and to friends they’ve made whilst playing. As of the 20th of January though, servers will shut down for the last time and the game will be no more. RIP Titanfall: Frontline, we never really got to know you, but we’ll never forget you.