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Titanfall Beta Sign Up is Live

Titanfall Beta Sign Up is Live

Respawn Entertainment's hotly anticipated Titanfall is due to enter closed beta very soon. Sign ups for the beta are live today and today only. Simply visit http://www.titanfall.com/beta, sign up to the newsletter and pick the platform you wish to use. But remember, there are a limited number of spaces and signing up doesn't guarantee you a place.

If you have been selected you will be emailed directly by EA with instructions on how to access the game no later than 11:59 PM PST on Feb 17th.

When you sign up for the PC version, you need to log in to Origin first and upon registering, you are told to await an email from EA and given a link to the beta FAQ.

Registration ends on Friday Feb 14th at 4pmPST.

So sign up before Valentine's Day ends!

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.