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Thrustmaster Announce New S.M.A.R.T Throttle

Thrustmaster Announce New S.M.A.R.T Throttle

Thrustmaster have announced a new high-end throttle, the TWCS (Thrustmaster Weapon Control System) powered by their S.M.A.R.T (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Tracks) technology.

Aimed at flight simulator users as well as those playing space-based titles such as Elite: Dangerous or Star Citizen, the TWCS has a wide array of control options.

Their S.M.A.R.T system gives the throttle smooth travel whilst also providing accurate, precise control. As well as this, the TWCS also provides five axes on the throttle. The throttle itself, one two-axis mini-joystick, one 15° angle toggle rudder with mechanical central return as well as a rotary button.

It also provides access to a rather large amount of buttons, 14 of them in fact: two four-way buttons, three individual buttons, a two-position slider and a push mini-stick. Combined with an eight-point hat switch this is an awful lot of options.

The TWCS can also be attached to Thrustmasters TFRP Rudder Pedals via the RJ12 connector to provide even more control. The TWCS is compatible with their T.A.R.G.E.T which allows you to graphically adjust settings as well as connect compatible devices so they show as one USB device, allowing for easier use across a variety of titles.

The TWCS Throttle will be available in September for the suggested retail price of €79.99.

Thrustmaster TWCS Throttle

Simone Brown

Simone Brown

Staff Writer

Often reminiscing about the 'good old days'. Simone has almost perfected her plan to enter the Speed Force and alter the timeline.

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Acelister - 08:25pm, 9th September 2016

I play Elite: Dangerous using a wired Xbox 360 controller. I wouldn't know where to start with a HOTAS and throttle! 14 buttons!

Mister Woot
Mister Woot - 08:41pm, 9th September 2016

Shush, I'm drooling.

I miss my old Sidewinder Precision...

pucechan - 09:19pm, 9th September 2016 Author

I currently use a Thrustmaster T-Flight X HOTAS and it's hard to go back to the Xbox controller in Elite: Dangerous now! :D I'd love to upgrade to this and the rudders, I can justify the expense right!
