Thimbleweed Park Voicemail Testers Needed
Ron Gilbert's retro-themed point-and-click Thimbleweed Park will have a focus on puzzles. One of the puzzles sees the player having to find the right name out of a phone book. Call the right person and the plot moves on but call the wrong person and you get through to their voicemail.
Part of the incentives for Kickstarter backers was to be featured in this puzzle. Initially it was to be that your name would appear in the book, however a bright spark suggested in the comments that it would be great if backers could record their own voicemail message for use in the game as well. Never one to turn down a great idea, Ron and his team decided that they would give their supporters that option.
The game is coming along in development now and they're at the point where they are ready to collect in these voicemail messages, but in order to do so, they need to collect them all in a pretty large database. That's where help is needed, they're asking for testers for said system. If you missed the Kickstarter, but still want to be part of a new game from one of the creators of Monkey Island, then head on over to the game's official blog now and sign up.
Acelister - 01:16am, 31st December 2015
Completely forgot to back this when it was on Kickstarter... Regretting it!
Dombalurina - 08:34am, 31st December 2015 Author
Same here. Must spend more time on kickstarter!