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The Tenants - Prologue Chapter Available for Free

The prologue chapter for Ancient Forge Studio's The Tenants is available to download for free on Steam right now. The preview chapter will give players a taste of the game's construction, management and problem-solving gameplay, as they welcome new tenants into their properties and get to work catering to their needs. Check out the tale of a nightmare tenant—complete with gameplay segments—in the gameplay trailer above.

As players grow their property empire, players will be faced with constant decisions regarding the tenants they take on, how they furnish their properties, how they solve tenants' problems and how they run their business. It'll take a good mix of empathy and business-mindedness to succeed. See if you've got what it takes with the game's latest free trial.

The Tenants launches on PC in Q1 2021. The free trial is available to download on Steam now.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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