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The Princess Bride Official Game Released on iOS

People have been clamouring for a tie-in to this much loved movie for quite some time. Gameblend simply said "As you wish."

Taking on the role of Westley the Dread Pirate Roberts Masked Man, you must survive the Shrieking Eels, climb the Cliffs of Insanity, sword duel Inigo Montoya and wrestle the Giant!

Future updates are free (the app is £2.99/$3.99), but there are in-app purchases. Suiting the game itself, they are Miracle Pills. The upcoming update will allow you to match wits with Vizzini and survive the Fire Swamp and R.O.U.S.'s.

But if you've ever wanted prove how well you can fence with your left hand, your scores will be submitted to the Leaderboards. There are also challenges and awards which will unlock sound clips and images from the movie!

The Princess Bride Official Game is available for iOS now, with an Android version coming.

The Princess Bride iOS

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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