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The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100% All Art Scrolls, Glitchbirds, and Achievements (with Video)

If you're looking for the opportunity to 100% The Plucky Squire without much hassle, then we've got you covered! We already have specific guides for the Art Scrolls and the Glitchbirds, which are ordered by Chapters and when you come across them. These guides are meant to be a 100% guide for a Chapter-per-Chapter approach, in case you want to follow along and not miss out on things (especially since missing one of the Glitchbirds will force you to replay the whole game for completion).

Beach Battle Boogie is home to one Glitchbird,eight Art Scrolls.

Without further ado, let's begin with Chapter Seven — Beach Battle Boogie.

Art Scroll #31: Concept - Area - Beach

6:49 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 6 55 screenshot2

If you are out of light bulbs, I recommend hitting as many bushes and trees as you can throughout the start of Chapter Seven — Beach Battle Boogie. The first Art Scroll in this stage is Martina, but you'll have plenty of opportunities to gather the 20 you'll need to purchase it.

Glitchbird #7



The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 8 45 screenshot2

I am adding this here purely because this is the first time you will see the Glitchbird. Knowing anxious types, you can safely continue advancing until later in the level (after you've passed the 3D section of this level); I will be adding the Glitchbird again at a later part of this guide so you know when you will be getting it in the timeline (and to avoid spoiling what you get in this Chapter in case this is your first time playing through the game).

Art Scroll #32: First Sketches 2

10:14 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 10 40 screenshot2

After Violet rejoins the party and Tumba reveals a hidden section in the map, you'll arrive at an oasis-like section, where the top-left corner has an X that marks a Tumba digging spot. It's a bit difficult to see due to the palm tree and boulder's placement, but going behind it should trigger the prompt to have Tumba dig there, which will give you the Art Scroll!

Art Scroll #33: Concept - Rap Battle

17:42 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 20 46 screenshot2

This is the first Art Scroll of three in the 3D section of Chapter Seven — Beach Battle Boogie. If you haven't read the other guides, this is me warning you: if you miss any Art Scrolls in the 3D sections, you'll be forced to replay the whole Chapter, as once you finish with it, there's no way to return to this particular instance of the desk. As such, for those who are too lazy to replay the game or Chapters, I always recommend following the guide closely so you don't miss out on the Art Scrolls!

When you're in the 3D section and are looking for Ambers to open the gate, you're going to want to head to the left (where you'll find the left Amber).After you've fought Humgrump's goons, you'll open the mug where Uta is, and you'll get the Amber, but if you continue a little past Uta, you'll find the Art Scroll!

Art Scroll #34: Concept - Room

22:53 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 21 33 screenshot2

This is a really easy Art Scroll to find — continue advancing until you enter the 2D realm and are in the back of a dinosaur named Anni. Here, you'll be tasked with killing several enemies to stop the itching, but if you walk down the dinosaur's leg, you can find the Art Scroll that you will have seen moments prior in the 3D realm!

Art Scroll #35: Concept - Out of the Book

24:09 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 24 11 screenshot2

Be very careful with this one, as it is the most missable by far. When you've passed by Anni and reach a toy T-rex beside a Toy Minibeard leading into a 2D realm with a pterodactyl on the wall, you won't want to go into the 2D realm. If you do this, you'll be stuck in the ending sequence of the desk section and you will miss out on this Art Scroll.

Instead, get on top of the art project and roll all the way to the right from the desk section. At the end of the long trek, you'll find the final Art Scroll in this 3D section, and then you can safely continue without worrying about missing anything!

Art Scroll 36: Model Sheet - Jot

28:21 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 28 39 screenshot2

Now that you have the Bomb Stamp and Moonbeard tells you to explode the "Humgrumpaninnies", you'll be able to explore three tanks. Make note of the right-most block nearby, where you can find an explodable, fractured metal block, which when you destroy with the Bomb Stamp, you'll find the Art Scroll inside!

Glitchbird #7 (this time for real!)

29:42 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 30 44 screenshot2

Now that you have the Bomb Stamp, you might recognise the block that you just blew up for the 36th Art Scroll as the thing that is blocking the Glitchbird of this Chapter, and you'd be correct! Go back to the desk and flip all the way back to the page where the Glitchbird was. Now, use the Bomb Stamp to get rid of the metal blocks that are barricading it from accessibility, and once you do, go into the page to claim this Chapter's Glitchbird!

Art Scroll #37: Model Sheet - Thrash

33:27 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 34 38 screenshot3

In this 2D section where you'll use the Bomb Stamp to click buttons, at the very end of it all, there is a hidden wall that you have to jump to towards the left in order to access. Pass everything, and in the very last jump (where you will have clicked the final button to raise the platform to pass to the next page) jump to the left. Right there will be the Art Scroll for this section!

Art Scroll #38: Model Sheet - Violet

34:50 in the video.


The Plucky Squire Chapter Seven 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 35 38 screenshot2

Finally, the final Art Scroll and collectible of this Chapter is on the next page, immediately after the previous one. After you've finished fighting against the Humgrumpians and you get a Metamagic cannon to launch yourself, instead go to the right island, where you'll find Martina selling the final Art Scroll of this Chapter! Feel free to spend as much money as you want here, as the next Chapter does not have a Martina merchant for Art Scrolls!

There you have it! The 100% of Chapter Seven — Beach Battle Boogie!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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