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The Fog Meets the Night in the Dead by Daylight Castlevania Crossover Trailer!

Many of the Killers of Dead by Daylight are beings of violence and terror, using their otherworldy powers to cause their quarry to feel pain and fear for reasons unknown. One could not imagine reasoning with The Trapper, for example. However, The Entity has summoned something more... refined, but no less deadly, as the Dark Lord Dracula and his castle domain are pulled into the fog in the latest Dead by Daylight crossover with the Castlevania series!

DBD Castlevania PR Screenshots 1 DRACULA FINAL

In addition to being the first vampire to grace the Killers' roster, Dracula also has a secondary ace up his sleeves: shapeshifting. In addition to conjuring searing flames in his human form, the Dark Lord can also shapeshift into two forms: the Wolf and the Bat, both with unique skills and uses. Move in the shadows and catch any fleeing Survivor as the Bat or zero in on your prey as the sharp-nosed Wolf, there is no escape... or there wouldn't be, save for the eternal rival of the count, the Belmont family!

DBD Castlevania PR Screenshots 3 TREVOR FINAL1

Indeed, to counteract the Lord of Vampires, Trevol Belmont is joining the ranks of the Survivors. Rocking his Curse of Darkness look, Trevor brings with him his generational knowledge on hunting beasts and monsters, as well as his innate talent for seeking out allies and working as a team. Too bad he lost his whip during the trip...

Dead By Daylight: Castlevania is set to awaken on the 27th August.

Martin Heath

Martin Heath

Staff Writer

Professional Bungler

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