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The First Prize-Winning "Worldwide Workshop" Level Added to Human: Fall Flat

Last year's Worldwide Workshop competition for Human: Fall Flat, which saw two winners each receive $10,000 for the creation of the best in-game level, has almost reached its conclusion. The first of the two levels, 'Thermal' (created by Manuel Nowak aka. Święty Krab), is available now for the PC version of the game, with Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Switch versions of the game to receive the level in an upcoming update.

No Brakes Games, developer of Human: Fall Flat, has also created a trailer for the new level (shown above) which highlights its unique aspects and the unruly mayhem eight players will face when tackling the level together. As a physics-based, co-op puzzle platformer, Human: Fall Flat offers a unique level of freedom in tackling its semi-open levels' platforming challenges. As the saying goes: "there's more than one way to skin a cat", and No Brakes Games has taken that saying to heart with this title.

This update comes as the latest example of No Brakes Games' continued—and promised—support for the game, a trend it plans to continue with the release of the next prize-winning level and a second Worldwide Workshop competition this year.

Thermal is out now for Human: Fall Flat on PC; PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch versions of the game will receive the level in an update in the coming weeks.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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