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The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition Announced

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition Announced

ESO Gold EditionBethesda Softworks have announced that a Gold Edition of The Elder Scrolls Online will be available from the 9th September, allowing new players immediate access to the entire story and all four major DLC Game Packs so far in one convenient package.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition will include the core game content along with the Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood DLC Game Packs. As a bonus it will also include a Palomino horse mount.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition will be available on the 9th September on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Simone Brown

Simone Brown

Staff Writer

Often reminiscing about the 'good old days'. Simone has almost perfected her plan to enter the Speed Force and alter the timeline.

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Acelister - 02:56pm, 7th July 2016

I hope it can read a lot from the disc... Downloaded, the DLCs and main game are about 80GB...

TheSphericalCat - 03:01pm, 7th July 2016

You already know that this is going to just be a patcher :D

pucechan - 03:37pm, 7th July 2016 Author

I can see it now... size on disc:  50MB to 'kickstart' the download :D

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