Terraria Updates To 1.2.3 - And It's A Big One
Balances, new items, new NPCs; a huge list of new features and a staggering 148 bugfixes brings Terraria up to version 1.2.3.
Updating the graphics, the music, the user interface and more, there probably isn't a thing that hasn't been touched by the developer and his team. However, the full list of updates and changes is too big for this post, so we'll list some of the more interesting ones. The rest can be seen in the Terraria forum update post.
Added Ctrl + Z, X, C, and V (clear line, cut line, copy line, and paste into line respectively).
Added Shift+Insert, Shift+Delete, Ctrl+Insert (paste, cut, and copy respectively).
Increased tile limit to 65536.
Birds are now more likely to spawn in mornings. Each type has several songs to sing.
Players have a longer respawn delay after a non pvp death with a boss alive in multiplayer.
Added upside down slopes.
Upside down slopes spawn in new worlds.
Spelunker no longer gives off light. This prevents ore from showing up on the map
Spelunker now causes ore to be gold colored on the screen
Hunter potion no longer gives off light. enemies will appear in red, friendly creatures appear in green.
Slightly reduced the chance for rain.
Added 20 new friendly critters.
Added Traveling Merchant. He will randomly show up once you have at least 2 NPCS and stay for one day. His inventory will always be random and present things he has found during his time spent traveling. He has over 30 different things he can sell.
And out of the main bug fixes, this one is our favourite. You have no idea how often an editor sneaks up on you and your character gets eaten because you delete a wall...
Mouse will no longer function if you have a window over Terraria's window.