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Temtem is Finally Leaving Early Access

Temtem is Finally Leaving Early Access

Humble Games and Crema have recently announced that Temtem will be updated to 1.0 and leave Early Access on the 6th of September of this year. With the update comes a variety of new features like Seasons, the final island of Archipelago and new weekly quests.

As of right now, you can preorder the digital and physical versions on PC via the Humble Store and Steam, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Unfortunately, Nintendo Switch players will need to wait a little longer for preorders to open up. There is also a Digital Deluxe version available for preorder, which includes the complete game and cosmetic bonuses.

If you’re serious about Temtem, there’s also the Temtem Collector’s Edition. While it does not include the game, it does have a bunch of merch like a statue diorama, replica Temcards, enamel pins, and more!

This monster-collecting MMO has been on Early Access since the 21st of January 2020 after a successful Kickstarter campaign back in May 2018, reaching its £61,000 goal easily with 12,000 backers supporting it.

Featuring 164 different Temtem to capture, a satisfying turn-based battle system, a story campaign spanning six different islands and an online world where you can battle other players or work together, the game is sure to give prospective tamers a unique experience from the other monster collecting game.

Dylan Pamintuan

Dylan Pamintuan

Staff Writer

An Australian-born guy whose trying to show everyone why games are awesome.

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