Take Your SNES Carts on the Road with Hyperkin's SupaBoy SFC
If you've wanted to take your SNES on the move, but been bogged down with the need for cables and a TV, then Hyperkin have just the portable gaming solution for you. The SupaBoy SFC is the latest iteration of their portable SNES, which allows you to slot your games right into the back of it for up to 10 hours of gaming.
Equipped with a 4.3in screen, with adjustable brightness, you can even switch between 4:3 and 16:9. Unless you want to plug it into a TV using the AV Out, then you can have another player join in by plugging SNES joypads into the front of the unit.
But what do you do if you want to play a different region game? Well the SupaBoy SFC can accept both, so there's no need to choose.
You can get a SupaBoy SFC from Amazon or FunstockRetro for £99.99 from 9th March.