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Super Smash Tournament Returns for Season 3

In 2010 a bunch of guys who call themselves 3gi got together to recreate Super Smash Bros. in real life. As you can see from the trailer above this isn't some cheesy re-enactment either. These guys play rough with baseball bats, pins, swords and fireworks. It plays out like an episode of Jackass as they fight through cardboard castles and in rivers and hedges.

Dressed as popular gaming characters these guys fight dirty in the quest to be the best and win the tournament. Different bouts are released over time until the winner is declared.

A second season followed in 2011 followed by a hiatus. Now they are back for season 3. So if you find people fighting in the name of gaming hilarious you can find all the current episodes of this latest season the groups website. They can also be found on YouTube.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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