Steam Reveals the Best Games of 2017
Steam has released an annual report of the best sellers for the second year in a row. This report gives both developers and consumers a chance to look at which games were in the top 100 of each category.
In the Top Sellers list, which is measured by gross revenue for the year, some of the titles that made the list include:
Platinum winners:
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Dota 2
- Player Unknown's Battlegrounds
- Divinity: Original Sin 2
- H1Z1
Gold winners:
Silver winners:
Bronze winners:
- Wolfenstein 2
- Hollow Knight
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- The Sims 3
- Tom Clancy's The Division
In the New Releases list, which is the top games released each month as measured by revenue, some of the titles that made the cut included:
- Pit People
- Night in the Woods
- NieR Automata
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
- Bayonetta
- Prey
- Dead Cells
- Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator
- Agents of Mayhem
- Okami HD
For the best Virtual Reality games, which is measured by gross revenue for the year on VR-only experiences, some of the titles that made the list include:
Platinum winners:
- Superhot VR
- Fallout 4 VR
- Job Simulator
- Tilt Brush
- Arizona Sunshine
Gold winners:
- Dead Effect 2 VR
- The Talos Principle VR
- Batman Arkham VR
- I Expect You To Die
Silver winners:
- L.A Noire The VR Case Files
- To The Top
- Duck Season
- Eagle Flight
- Fruit Ninja VR
Bronze winners:
- The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing
- John Wick Chronicles
- Battle Zone
- Killing Floor Incursion
Lastly in the Early Access Grads list, which is the top games that left Early Access as measured by gross revenue, include titles such as:
Platinum winners:
- Battlerite
- Endless Space 2
- Player Unknown's Battlegrounds
- Slime Rancher
- Portal Knights
Gold winners:
- Road Redemption
- Darkwood
- Lego Worlds
- Deceit
- Tree of Life
Silver winners:
- Rivals of Aether
- Crawl
- Overgrowth
- 20XX
- Kona
So there you go, only a tatse of some of the titles that made the Best of 2017 lists as provider by Steam. You can read the full lists here and see each and every title included.